The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


How to Grow Sprouts

I never thought the day would come where I’d proclaim to the world that I love sprouts! And my love runs deep. One of my favorite breakfasts/lunches/dinners is a nice and chewy toasted Montreal-style bagel with cream cheese and a pile of sprouts on top. Sprouts are a great salad topper and add delicious crunch to sandwiches. Some sprouts taste great on their own. Have you ever tried sprouted peanuts? Do it.

Sprouts are super nutritious

Why sprouts? They’re not only delicious–they’re also super good for you. Sprouts are packed with vitamins, minerals, protein and enzymes that promote better digestion. Sprouting increases the nutritional value of whatever is being sprouted and makes the nutrients more bioavailable (aka more easily absorbed by your body).

You can sprout a wide variety of seeds, beans and legumes, and the nutritional content and flavor will vary accordingly. For example, radish sprouts have spicier notes than alfalfa sprouts, and broccoli sprouts have a subtle broccoli flavor.

How to grow sprouts at home

Sprouts are readily available in grocery stores and farmer’s markets, but growing them yourself at home is much more affordable and it’s incredibly easy too. If you know how to swirl and rinse, you’re good to go. You can purchase a fancy sprouting kit, or you can do it with a few simple supplies:

  • A large mason jar (I use an old French press carafe)
  • Cheese cloth and an elastic OR a jar lid with holes in it
  • Dried seeds, beans or legumes of your choice

I buy sprout seed mixes from my local health food store, but you can also just buy them in bulk. Some commonly sprouted seeds include: alfalfa, clover, daikon, lentils, chickpeas, sunflower, and broccoli. Find a comprehensive list here.

Sprouting process

  • Rinse about 2 tbsp seeds in clean, cold water
  • Put the seeds in your jar and cover with water
  • Cover the jar with cheese cloth and secure with elastic, or use a lid with holes punched in it
  • Let your seeds soak for about 8 hours
  • Drain, and leave the jar of damp seeds on your counter to start sprouting
  • Rinse the seeds about twice a day (I do it in the morning and at night)
  • Watch your sprouts grow! You should have a jar full of squiggly deliciousness in two or three days
  • Eat and repeat!

Have you tried sprouting? What are your favorite seeds to sprout and how do you like to eat them? Share in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc. 

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