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How To Properly Stuff A Burger

Burgers have a particular sound when they first hit the grill. If you close your eyes for a second, you can hear it now. It’s a very unique sizzle that only comes from juicy patties hitting hot bars. That sound, lets us know summer has arrived and it’s time to grab a bun.

Before you start tossing burgers on the BBQ like Frisbees, you have to prep the patties. You’ve tried different blends of spices and sauces (hello soya sauce burgers!), but what about stuffing your burgers with ooey-gooey ingredients.

Stuffed burgers may look like your regular creations when they first come off the grill, but take a bite and there’s a surprise inside—the seriously awesome, good kind of surprise.

You can always stuff your burgers with good ol’ cheddar cheese (we love white cheddar for this option), but if you’re going to do the stuffing, why not try some different concoctions.

Step one is preparing the patties for packing. Fashion your ground beef into two circles. Use your fingers to, push a circle into the center of one of them. This will act as the home for your ingredients.

Then try one of these 6 burger-stuffing combos:

Bacon and Cheddar

A twist on a classic favorite. Cook up some bacon and chop into dime-sized pieces then mix with shredded cheddar. Pop into the circle.

Bleu Cheese and Caramelized Onions

This one is for the lovers of pungent and sweet. Caramelize your onions by slicing and then pan frying on low heat for about an hour. Place the caramelized onions into the burger crevice and crumble some blue cheese on top.

Mushrooms and Swiss

Mushroom lovers will go crazy for this. First sautée mushrooms—feel free to play around with different types—in a pan in a little butter and parsley or rosemary, then place a folded up slice of Swiss cheese in the burger and top with your cooked mushrooms.

BBQ sauce and gouda

The gooiest of them all. Chop up chunks of Gouda, put in the burger and cover with BBQ sauce.

Cream Cheese and Pepper Jelly or Jalapenos

As the most unique of the combos, this one is sure to surprise your BBQ guests. Slice off hunks from a block of cream cheese, lay in burger and smother with pepper jelly sauce or chopped jalapenos.

Last but not least you’ll need to close the burger. Once you’ve got your ingredients inside the circle you created, put the other patty on top and fold over the edges. Press along the outside of the patty, ensuring everything is sealed properly.

Now it’s time to throw your burger on the grill! Cook to desired temperature. Then, for the best part, take a big bite out of your stuffed burger to find a surprise. We suggest having lots of napkins on hand.

Are you a burger grilling expert? Share your tips in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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