The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Luvo Coffee Pairings

Coffee. Oh coffee. You are the joy in my morning commute, the warmth during cold winter months and a lifesaver when I need to stay alert (like while writing this blog post). I always start my day with a medium roast Americano – black. I don’t always make time to pair my java with something meaningful, which is a shame as coffee can compliment so many different foods.

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, and while proof of this is subjective, a balanced meal in the morning always sets me up for a great day. And given today is International Coffee Day, I thought I’d take a stab at pairing some of my favorite coffee varietals with three of our Luvo breakfast entrees.

When to be bold
The more savory your breakfast, the more bold you can go with your beans. Omelets, quiches, and your traditional eggs and bacon pair well with dark roast, heavier bodied coffees. Luvo’s Farmer’s Market Frittata would go well with a shot – or two – of Italian espresso.

When you fancy something fruity
If you prefer sweeter breakfast dishes like crepes, pancakes, waffles or baked goods, grab a java with higher fruit notes. Try pairing Luvo’s Oat Bran & Ricotta Pancakes with an East African blend. Sidenote, they smell divine while they’re in the microwave. The coffee smells pretty good too.

When you need to lighten up
If you prefer to start your day with lighter fare like cereal or oatmeal, you’ll want to look for beans that are less complex with a smooth finish. You don’t want your coffee to overpower your food with more intense flavors. Consider a bright and tangy Columbian blend, which would pair well with Luvo’s Steel-Cut Oatmeal.

Do you consider yourself a coffee coinsurer? Or is tea more your jam? Tell us how you pair your coffee blends in the comments below.

Happy International Coffee Day!

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