The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


The Full Irish Breakfast

As we continue to celebrate all things delicious at this time of year, we turn our attention to another Irish treasure: the traditional Full Irish Breakfast. Legend has it that this hearty breakfast was the Irish farmer’s favorite way to start the day and fuel up for long hours of strenuous farm work… and hearty it was.

The traditional Full Irish Breakfast is comprised of a large plate of fresh, local farm produce all prepared in tons of creamery butter and served with a side of juice and a strong breakfast tea. Bacon, sausage, white and black pudding, beans, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, homemade bread, butter and jam all washed down with tea and juice isn’t something you would want to have every day, but it’s a nice once-in-a-while brunch treat. It’s certainly enough to fuel a hefty human for a long day of work. It also sounds like a great way to soothe a St. Patty’s Day hangover.

What’s black and white pudding, you ask? It’s basically a type of sausage made with blood, meat, fat, oatmeal and bread or potato (if the blood part freaks you out, the black version contains blood and the white one does not.)

Want to try making a Full Irish Breakfast in honor of St. Patrick’s Day? Here’s how it traditionally goes down:


  • (Adjust quantities according to the number of eaters)
  • Pork sausages
  • Bacon
  • Black and/or white pudding (check your local specialty butcher)
  • Mushrooms
  • Tomatoes, halved
  • Eggs
  • Baked beans
  • Potatoes (make it extra authentic by using leftovers from an Irish potato recipe)
  • Homemade bread (bonus points if it’s Irish potato bread)
  • Oil for frying (make sure it’s the right kind)
  • Butter for frying and spreading on toast
  • Salt and pepper
  • Juice and tea of your choice


  • Fry meats in oil and butter and place on a plate in the oven at low heat to keep warm.
  • Add a bit more butter to the pan and sauté the mushrooms. Place them on the warm plate alongside the meat.
  • Season and oil the tomatoes and fry them on both sides until just softened.
  • Prepare the eggs to your liking. Scrambled, sunnyside up, over easy… whatever your little Irish heart desires.
  • Warm the baked beans and leftover Irish potatoes.
  • Toast and butter the bread.
  • Pile everything onto plates and serve with jam, juice and tea.
  • Take a long nap.

Top o’ the mornin’ to ya!

How are you celebrating St. Patrick’s Day? Tell us in the comments or on Twitter at @luvoinc. 

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