The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


6 Questions with Food Artist Julie Lee

Luvo-Julie-Lee As I began my daily —and bottomless— trip into the food blog newsreel a few weeks ago, artist Julie Lee’s meticulously arranged food-collages stopped me dead in my tracks. I instantly found myself getting lost in her adventures at the Santa Monica Farmer’s Market and in her own urban garden, and (like most fans) venturing into her dreamy instagram filled with the most beautiful, naturally lit patterns made-up of vibrant and seasonal vegetables, fruit and flowers.  

A couple weeks later I reached out to Julie to see what she could create with one of our favorite entrées (Orange Mango Chicken) and couldn’t be more thrilled with what she came back with. I caught up with her during my last trip to California to dig into what makes this talented food-lover hungry, happy and inspired…

What inspired you to start creating art with food?

The Julie’s Kitchen food collages started out as a way to share seasonal, local produce from farmer’s markets and my urban garden and has evolved into the study of intricate shapes, vibrant colors, and patterns in nature. I’m always looking for that surprising element, which can transform something from mundane to beautiful—whether it’s the striped detail of a chiogga beet, the contrast between skin and flesh of a blood orange, or the fractal shape of a Romanesco.

What is your favorite fruit or vegetable to work with?

Flowering herbs are particularly interesting to play with and collage. You have the sturdy leaves, the delicate flowers and the seeds, with each element of the plant representing a different part of its life cycle.

What goes into the process of making a collage?

I have a Saturday morning ritual of going to the Santa Monica Farmers Market. I do a quick walk through, to see what’s new, fresh or interesting, making mental notes and meal planning as I go. On my second walk through, I start loading up on groceries for the week. Along with weekly staples, I try to find something that I’ve never cooked before and talk to the farmers, chefs, and vendors at the market for tips. It’s a very knowledgeable community!

I haul the goods back to my photo studio/kitchen where I use one side of the dining table to prep the food and one side to collage. I have my tools on the prep side: cutting board, a chef’s knife, a paring knife, a ceramic peeler, shears, a mandoline, tweezers, etc. The arsenal keeps growing as the collages get more intricate. I shoot from overhead throughout the process — on an iPhone 5 and Canon 6D — getting sparser and denser versions of the same collage.

Luvo-Julie-Lee-food-collage-mango-chicken Which collage has made you the hungriest (other than ours)?

Juicy stone fruit or super fragrant berries make me drool. Right now, I can hardly stop myself from eating all the peaches before they make their way into the collage.  Do you usually make something to eat with the food after the collage? After I’m finished photographing a collage, the ingredients often end up in a frittata, smoothie, salad, soup or a quick sauté. The food is already prepped and ready to go straight from collage to skillet (or blender). It would just be a shame to see good food go to waste!

What are your top three kitchen tools (the foodies at Luvo HQ are  very interested in the knives you use)

My top three kitchen tools would have to be three that I use every day: sharp Shun knives that make chopping a breeze, Vitamix for my daily green smoothie, and a well-seasoned cast iron pan for cooking anything and everything evenly.

Which non-food Artists inspire you?

I’m often drawn to artists that do super intricate and detailed work. There are too many to name, but a few of my favorites are Mel Kadel’s drawings and Julie Rofman’s beaded jewelry work.

Check out more of Julie Lee’s incredible work here and be sure to follow her on Pinterest and Instagram for some seasonal recipes that are sure to please!


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