The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Instagram Cage Match: Latte Art vs. Bliss Bowls

Instagram is a fascinating place where you can get sucked into a black hole that started with an innocent ‘like’ on a friend’s breakfast photo and spiraled out of control and now you’re creeping your ex’s sister’s new husband’s BFF’s magnificent beard game and wondering who the heck this chick named ‘prettybabyxo’ is and why is she liking all your new future husband’s beard photos?! Before you know it, three hours have passed that could have been spent finishing that book you’ve been trying to read for over two years but no… Must. Keep. Scrolling.

If this experience sounds familiar to you, then you’ve probably noticed a few #hashtag trends making the rounds more frequently than others. One of our favorite funny bloggers, The Man Repeller, already threw down the contenders for the champion social media food trend dominating the summer (Avocado Toast vs. Rose), and now we’re throwing our bets into the ring.

Which popular Instagram snaps will win this time? Which food items have inspired the hearts, minds and Instagram trigger fingers of millions? Will it be latte art–the cutesy foam drawings on the top of everyone’s favorite caffeinated beverage–or bliss bowls–the hottest new trend in healthy eating?

Round 1: Level of Difficulty

You pretty much have to be a professional barista that takes part in international latte art competitions to be able to produce freehand masterpieces. However, you can totally cheat your way to the top of the latte art charts with something called ‘sugar sheets‘.That being said, you don’t necessarily have to be the latte artist to post the photo.

On the other end of the ring, bliss bowls (aka healthy bowls usually consisting of fresh fruit, nuts and oatmeal or fresh veggies, grains and dressing) can be totally free-styled and still look impressive. That is, if you have quality, non-wilted produce, expert food styling skills, a proper camera, studio lighting, and an eye for photo composition. Contrary to the latte art Instagram posts, bliss bowls are largely shot by the folks who lovingly pile them together at home. And everything in said pile must be selected for its ability to complement the other items in the bowl and then cooked according to its unique requirements. (Much more difficult than simply standing in line at Starbucks, right??)

Winner: Bliss Bowls

Round 2: Creativity

Depending on your skill level (or your barista’s–let’s be real), you could literally create or stencil anything onto your latte. Is it an armadillo kind of morning? Maybe you’re more in the mood for a teddy bear.

Bliss bowls are more like nutritious collages, which can also be quite beautiful depending on the colors of your ingredients. I suppose you could get super fancy and try to recreate these red onion birds, but not enough bliss bowl enthusiasts have stepped up to the challenge… pffft.

Winner: Latte Art

Round 3: Accessibility

Unless you’re hibernating under a rock or you’ve never let a drop of an espresso based beverage grace your lips nor ventured into the one of thousands of establishments that serves them, then you’ve likely come across latte art in your lifetime.

In the case of bliss bowls, which are a relatively new item on the healthy eating scene, your chances of moving through life without every encountering one are much higher.

Winner: Latte Art

Round 4: Hashtag Numbers 

If we look at the sheer number of hashtagged Instagram photos as our indicator, then we have a clear winner: The amount of people using the #latteart hashtag on Instagram at time of posting this was well over 1 million. Bliss bowls came in at a measly 517.

Winner: Latte Art

So there you have it–latte art wins the battle overall. Perhaps if more people catch on to the healthy deliciousness of bliss bowls, we can have a rematch down the road, but until then…

What’s your current favorite food photo trend on Instagram? Share in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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