The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Melon 6 Ways

I made the totally amazing excellent discovery the other day (and probably many of you did as well if you’re on Pinterest) that watermelon pizza is a thing. I don’t mean replacing the pineapple on your Hawaiian pizza with watermelon, but using watermelon wedges in place of the pizza pie and adding toppings like fresh fruit, dried fruit, nuts and even a little feta. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a wonderful warm-weather treat to me! In honor of this amazing discovery, here are more great things to do with melon:

Salty Melons

The sweetness of melons pairs exceptionally well with anything salty, hence the popular appetizer combo of melons wrapped in prosciutto. If prosciutto isn’t your thing, olives also do the trick. Try this simple yet delicious-looking recipe: Shaved Honeydew, Fennel and Olive Salad.

Refreshing Melon Soup

Gazpacho–or soup made from raw vegetables and served cold–is another one of those refreshing warm-weather recipes. Most often made with tomatoes, gazpacho can also be made with a variety of other fruits or veggies. This one features watermelon, a hit of spiciness from a Serrano chili, and a few delightful crumbles of salty feta on top: Watermelon Gazpacho.

Sour Melons

Pickle anything and I’ll eat it, and melons are no exception. Pickled melons make an excellent accompaniment to grilled meats of all kinds and they’re also awesome on cheese plates. This relish-like recipe from Whole Foods is perfect for all of that: Easy Pickled Melon.

Drinkable Melons

The juiciness of melons makes them extra refreshing in beverage form, and with a little seasoning (and maybe your favorite booze), you might just have a life-changing drink on your hands. When eating a watermelon usually leads to juice everywhere anyway, why not juice it to begin with? This recipe is a worthy contender: Pressed Watermelon with Basil Water.

Melon Salsa

I’m a huge fan of fruit-infused salsas, but I hadn’t tried anything other than the classic mango version. With melons in the mix, your salsa gets a fresh and fruity twist. Fruit salsas work well not only with your favorite tortilla chips, but they also make a delicious and healthy topping for grilled poultry and fish. Try this recipe: Melon Salsa.

Icy Melons

If you have an ice cream maker at home, you can make your own icy cool melon dessert with just a few ingredients. This one uses a bit of honey for added sweetness and herbs to enhance the melon flavors, and you can use the melon of your choice (I’m a honeydew enthusiast myself). Give it a try: Watermelon, Cantaloupe or Honeydew Sorbet.

What’s your favorite way to get melons into your life? Share in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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