The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Microwave Hacks

Most of us take microwaves for granted: they are just part of the kitchen scenery, along with the fridge and stove and knife block. It’s easy to dismiss the microwave oven as just a device to re-heat leftovers or pop popcorn. In fact, there is so much more the microwave can do—most of us have just scratched the surface of its usefulness. Here are a few of the amazing ways microwaves make life better.

Poach eggs

Need a protein boost? Poached eggs are one of life’s greatest pleasures, and with six grams of protein each, they pack a punch. To poach them quickly, fill a bowl two-thirds full of water, add a few drops of vinegar and crack an egg into the water. Put a small plate or saucer over top of it, and microwave on high for a minute. Bingo.

Stop crying over onions

Chopping onions is usually a tear-jerker, but it doesn’t have to be if you microwave them first. Just put them on high for around 25 seconds with the ends cut off, and you’ll be laughing when you dice them, not crying.

Get more from your lemons

When life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice out of them. Then, put them in the microwave for 15 to 20 seconds, and squeeze out some more.

Soften beans and lentils

Many recipes call for soaking beans or lentils for 12 hours or longer. If you don’t have time, put them in a bowl with a pinch of baking soda, fill the bowl with water, and microwave on high for ten minutes or so. Let it rest for half an hour, and you’re good to go.

Peel garlic faster

Just pop a few cloves in the microwave, put it on high for about 15 to 20 seconds, and the skin will be easier to peel.

Disinfect your sponges

Sponges get grimy and full of bacteria fast. To disinfect one, give it a soak, then microwave it for a couple minutes to kill most of the bad stuff it’s carrying.

Make mug snacks

Mug snacks? Yes, mug snacks. There are so many delicious and easy snacks you can make in the microwave with just a mug and your imagination. From chocolate chip cookies to French toast, pumpkin pie to mac and cheese. The possibilities are endless.

But it’s your turn now ‐ do you have any smart, unexpected uses for your microwave? Share them in the comment section below or on Twitter at @luvoinc

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