The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Fun, Free Things to do with Mom

Moms are our biggest cheerleaders. They’ll tell us we’re the most beautiful, talented, special people in the world, even when we’re ‘funemployed’ with a serious case of bedhead and spinach in our teeth. At least, that’s my mom. She’s the best, and she never wants fancy gifts from my brother and I… in fact, the most cherished gifts are the ones we make ourselves, or the ones that involve spending some quality time with her.

This Mother’s Day, you don’t have to buy mom anything fancy to make her feel special. Of course you can, and it will be received with love, but the gift of quality time is often much more appreciated. Here are some fun, free things you can do with mom to let her know how special she is to you.

Spend some quality time with Mother Nature

My mom was always adamant about getting our family up and out on sunny weekends exploring local trails, parks and beaches together. In my lazy teen years, I bemoaned these activities, but now I finally understand how important they are. Unplugging and taking a walk through nature with the people you love is a great way to re-connect with the things that really matter in life, while getting some fresh air, exercise and endorphin boosts at the same time!

Play a game

Another family tradition we have is playing Scrabble. Whenever I go home to visit, a Scrabble game is always in order, and my mom and grandma and aunts (if they’re in town) usually all join in on the fun. You don’t have to play Scrabble necessarily–any cherished family game will do, even a big spread of colorful puzzle pieces on the kitchen table. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to generate some laughs and good conversation, especially when it’s accompanied by a delicious snack spread and some beverages.

Do something creative

Over the years, my mother and I have also bonded over our shared sense of creativity. Both being avid craft-makers, our bonding sessions have often included jewelry making, painting, drawing and making various holiday crafts. Crafty people like us usually have a variety of tools and mediums at our disposal from past projects, so embarking on an enjoyable ‘crafternoon’ never really requires too much effort or added costs. Get your siblings together to make something nice for mom, or get her in on the action too. Whatever you decide to do, the internet (Pinterest especially) is a wonderful resource of ideas for crafts (and treats) you can make using inexpensive materials (and ingredients) often found around the home.

Make her a heartfelt gift you can enjoy together

Many digital photography applications offer the ability to create a custom slideshow set to music. In iPhoto, for example, all you have to do is select the photos you want to include and add your own soundtrack. Highlight moments you know she’ll love and set them to a song that’s meaningful to her. It’s something you can enjoy watching together for many years to come!

Take her to a free local event

My mom absolutely adores going to art galleries, which happen to be free to attend. If your mom is like mine, she’ll love spending the afternoon strolling through art districts and checking out the exhibits. Pro tip: find an art show opening event in the evening–they often serve free wine and snacks too! If your mom’s not so artsy, don’t fret­–just do an internet search for free Mother’s Day events in your area and see if anything would tickle her fancy.

Whatever you decide, your mom will appreciate that you’ve taken the time to do something meaningful to celebrate what she means to you.

How do you show your mom you care? Tell us in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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