Luvo’s Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


What to Eat After You Overindulge

So you went a little overboard with the salty, fatty or sugary treats and you’re feeling bad about straying from the healthy eating path. You probably have a bit of a tummy ache too. Don’t fret! It happens to everyone, and there’s no reason you can’t make a U-turn. A few simple tips can help get you back on track and help your body recover from the indulgence. … Read more »


Teff: The New Quinoa

We’re calling it: teff is the next big thing to hit the grain scene. It’s a grass native to Ethiopia and even though its grain is small in size, it’s packed with nutritional value. High in dietary fiber and iron, with plenty of protein, … Read more »


Activated Charcoal is a Thing?

It’s summer! Time to fire up the barbecue to cook up some delicious meats, vegetables, or veggie burgers over a glowing charcoal fire. But why limit the charcoal to the barbecue? If you’re hip to the latest health trends, you’ll know that charcoal, or, more specifically, activated charcoal, is something people are using more and more in a variety of ways for its supposed health benefits.… Read more »


Condiment + Sauce Swaps

Sauces, dips and other condiments boost the flavor factor of otherwise bland foods, and sometimes it’s more about the sauce than what they are saucing. My university roommates make fun of me to this day over my habit of requesting “stuff I can put ketchup on” after nights out at the local student pub. While there’s no doubt about the tastiness of a lot of … Read more »


Nice Cream

3 Easy Non-Dairy DIY Ice Cream Recipes

Happy National Ice Cream Day!

Nothing says summer like sweet ice cream, but vegans and lactose intolerant folks, unfortunately, sometimes miss out on the fun. Not any more! The dairy-free way to fuel-up on the world’s coolest snack… Read more »


Market Greens Salad with Corn Milk Dressing

What the heck is corn milk? It’s the liquid that forms once you strain blended fresh corn kernels along with some of the liquid from the cob (more on this in the recipe) – super fresh and full of flavour!… Read more »


What the Heck is Akvavit?

Many countries and regions have a special spirit that comes to reflect their heritage, culture and tastes. Greece has ouzo, Central and Eastern Europe have slivovitz, Newfoundland has screech, France has cognac, Armagnac and calvados, and Scandinavia has akvavit.… Read more »