Luvo’s Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


How to Cook with Coconut Milk

Some foods add a certain flavor and character to dishes that can’t be easily explained, but that linger in your mind and stomach memory for a long time. For me, coconut milk is one of those items. Its silky texture and sweet taste make it an ideal base for a lot of foods, tempering the spicy, smoothing out the sweet.… Read more »


6 Unexpected Toppings To Try On Ice Cream

There are so many kinds of frozen deserts to scoop into these days. Fro-yo, gelato, sorbet… But sometimes you just want some good old fashioned creamy, churned ice cream. The kind that makes the hot metal spoon, you’ve warmed up under the faucet, steam when you slice into that cold block of deliciousness. … Read more »


Have You Been Saying These Foods All Wrong?

Here in North America, we’re lucky to have access to a broad range of delicious foods hailing from countries all over the globe. Unfortunately, that comes along with letter combinations that may be unfamiliar and therefore challenging for our tongues to pronounce. This can result in inaccurate and sometimes even indecipherable sounds, which can lead to general feelings of embarrassment and maybe even a few eye rolls … Read more »


Grocery Store Pick-up Lines

Forget bars and coffee shops–grocery stores are great places to meet people to date. Why? You can tell a lot about someone by the way they shop for their groceries. Maybe it’s the way they grab, squeeze and sniff that mango… maybe it’s the fact that they chose marinated tofu steaks over the strip loin… maybe you’ve finally found that person who likes the same weird cheeseburger flavored chips you do.… Read more »

Ginger-Rosemary-Switchel -Luvo-

Ginger Rosemary Switchel

A very tangy twist on the post-colonial classic mocktail. Turn it into a summer cocktail by adding some vodka or gin to the mix. … Read more »


The Great Nut Debate: Raw versus Roasted

Ah, nuts: the go-to snack of the health food realm- a dieter’s saving grace and grazers’ often demise. The high protein and good fats in nuts have earned them the honor of “nutritional heroes.” They’re portable, generally adored and marketed as a fast, energy packed bridge between meals. Pretty much anywhere you go these days you’ll find them, planes, gas stations and of course- the local watering hole. Nutritional media and dieticians alike preach the importance of a handful of nuts a day for a well balanced diet.… Read more »


Guide to Peppers

Peppers are a big family. Any time you go to the grocery store, you probably run into a few. They come in a variety of shapes and colors and degrees of heat, so it’s well worth getting know the different types. Let’s investigate.… Read more »