Luvo’s Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Is Gluten-Free Healthier?

Flip through any tabloid magazine (yes, I’m guilty!) and you’ll likely see a superstar with a slick body (Gwynnie! Miley!) declaring the virtues of a gluten-free menu. My bet is that you also have a neighbor, co-worker, or friend who has hopped on the gluten-free bandwagon and claims to have watched the pounds melt off and be feeling better than she has in ages.… Read more »


6 Things to Cook in Your Muffin Tin

I love finding new and interesting ways to use the cookware I have on hand, and them muffin tin is one of those multi-use baking vessels you can use to make a ton of other things aside from the conventional muffin. Quick and easy breakfasts, savory snacks, and other bite-sized, portable treats… Read more »


Plantains: The Other Bananas

You’ve probably seen them in the fruit section of the grocery store, looking like a banana but somehow different: bigger or greener or blacker. You’ve always wondered, what are these things, and what do I do with them? They’re plantains, of course, and we’re here to help solve… Read more »


Is Vegetarian Always Healthier?

To eat meat or not to eat meat? Team #paleo and team #vegan can debate this one out but the one thing that both groups—and every health professional–can agree on is that we should be eating more fruits and vegetables.… Read more »


Grab the Garbanzos: 6 Tasty Chickpea Recipes

Whenever I hit the grocery store, I always stock up on chickpeas. Also known as garbanzo beans, these cute little beige legumes are a great source of protein, fiber, potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. They’re inexpensive and super versatile in the kitchen, adding interesting texture and … Read more »


Pass the Peas, Please! 6 Delicious Recipes

One of my fondest childhood memories involves picking pea pods straight off the bush at my grandparents’ farm on the outskirts of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. I just loved popping open the pods and … Read more »


Russell Wilson at 39,000 feet

I don’t think you can ever prep for the day you’re sitting beside a Superbowl champion at 39,000 feet altitude. But Russell Wilson is sporting a Hawaiian shirt with jeans, and his relaxed and friendly demeanour invites me to just sit back and enjoy the ride with the 26-year old Seattle Seahawks’ quarterback.

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