Luvo’s Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


6 Foodie Kickstarters to Watch

Perhaps one of the most popular crowdfunding websites, Kickstarter is a hotbed for innovation in pretty much every industry you can think of. While it can be a mixed bag (plenty of bad comes along with the good) it’s a great way for creative people get much-needed funding for their revolutionary ideas. It’s a great place to find some very interesting concepts in the world of food and drink. Check out our top picks of foodie Kickstarters to watch, and if any of them … Read more »


6 Winter Foods Transformed for Summer

I don’t want to bring bad luck on anyone, but it appears that winter in North America is basically behind us. The sun’s out, the days are longer, and we have more time to perch on our patios with friends and family. If you’re like me, you’re happy to leave the cold months in the real-view mirror, but there are a few foods and flavors often enjoyed over the winter that you don’t want to forget entirely. The answer? Make like the seasons and change them, to better suit the weather.… Read more »


Grey is the new Green

3 Tasty Grey Smoothie Recipes to Try

While doing research and developing my 5-ingredient smoothies, I noticed that some of my smoothies didn’t come out the way I thought they would. Instead of bright pinks and blues that I pictured falling from Pinterest into my glass, I often got sludge-like substances that looked more like freshly poured concrete or something out of a puddle… in a parking lot… in a bad part of town… after it rained.… Read more »


6 Ways to Enjoy Your Vacation Faster

Do you ever feel guilty for relaxing when your to-do list is packed? You’re not alone. Fast Company recently covered this very problem. A lot of people have a hard time relaxing without feeling the need to check their email, tidy up the house, or complete other tasks that prevent that terrible feeling that they are wasting their time. If you’re doing this, however, you’re not really relaxing at all, and you’re missing out on all the wonderfully rejuvenating, stress-reducing effects of taking some time for yourself.… Read more »


Adult Slumber Party Breakfast

Whether you’re crashing on the couch after a friend’s house party or you’re just straight up throwing a slumber party with your pals (and you’ve long since graduated from elementary school), enjoying breakfast together the next day while reliving the previous night’s adventures is always lots of fun. Sure, going out for brunch and mimosas is also a good time, but the mark-up on breakfast foods can be borderline exorbitant.… Read more »


Make Your Own Jerky

Everyone’s into protein right now. Search the internet and you’ll see all sorts of ways to sneak more protein into your diet—here’s our take on it. One snack that’s often recommended as a source of protein is jerky, a tasty treat that can be a lean source of the macronutrient. But many store-bought versions are super high in sodium and stale from sitting on a shelf for a long time. The solution? Make your own. … Read more »


Insect-infused Dishes

I recently watched a documentary that featured young children from Venezuela’s Piaroa tribe scouring the jungle for giant tarantulas, which they subsequently skewered, roasted over an open fire, and ate with delight. While I found this equal parts shocking and fascinating, I realized that bugs, insects and creepy crawlies are a significant … Read more »