Luvo’s Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


What Stinks? How to Remove Food Odors

We’ve all been there: You’re opening a can of tuna for your post-workout protein boost, and you spill the tuna sauce on your favorite lifting shirt and all over the counter. It’s a pungent smell, for sure, bound to linger for a few days, right? No need to sweat it, there are many ways to get rid of food odors from anywhere and anything. And you don’t need to buy a whole lot of fancy cleaners to do it.… Read more »


Not Just Dessert: 6 Savory Pies to Try Now

Some people are born with a sweet tooth, while others are into the savory scene. I’m more of the latter, so when I was tasked with researching the world of savory pies, I was all over it.

Savory pies are great for many reasons. They’re relatively easy to make. After a little bit of elbow grease, you’ve got a complete dinner (or brunch or lunch) in a pie plate. Just throw a pile of greens on the side and you’re set! Another great thing about savory pies is you can put… Read more »


Road Trip Essentials

There’s nothing quite like piling your pals into the car and embarking on a cross-country adventure. Road trips can be super fun but they can also have a few downsides… sitting on your rump for hours can take its toll, and finding appropriate sustenance along the way with nothing but gas stations and fast food restaurants in sight can be a challenge (and don’t even get me started on my brother’s penchant for filling the vehicle with his own signature scent).… Read more »


Spring Training Tips for Non-Athletes

Spring is finally here! Baseball season is officially underway, and before long it will be time to hit the beach. If you’re feeling a little anxious about baring some skin, and you’re ready for a fresh start, here are six simple steps to healthy-ing up your eating habits and getting in tip top shape – no crazy diet required.… Read more »


Fun, Free Things to do with Mom

Moms are our biggest cheerleaders. They’ll tell us we’re the most beautiful, talented, special people in the world, even when we’re ‘funemployed’ with a serious case of bedhead and spinach in our teeth. At least, that’s my mom. She’s the best, and she never wants fancy gifts from my brother and I… in fact, the most cherished gifts are the ones we make ourselves, or the ones that involve spending some quality time with her.… Read more »


Gourmet Popsicle Recipes

This idea came to me after another unfortunate ‘I-left-the-beer-in-the freezer-too-long’ incident a couple weekends ago. You know what I’m talking about… you open the freezer door and yell a few expletives as an ice tear rolls down a frozen solid bottle of beer (and probably down your cheek, too). You’re left looking around frantically for that mediocre bottle of wine you were gifted from that neighbour you hear sneeze through the wall at 4 o’clock in the morning… every morning.

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Clean Eating vs. Healthy Eating

What’s the Difference?

I might be aging myself here, but I remember when “clean” referred to how I kept my apartment or office cubicle. Now, it seems, clean has come to mean embracing a healthy lifestyle. People wear the phrase “clean eating” like a badge of honor, and post pictures of their prizes—anything from #greenjuice to #jerky to less processed versions of candy and cookies—on blogs, Pinterest, and Instagram.… Read more »