Luvo’s Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Marvelous Mushrooms

The wide world of mushrooms is incredibly diverse, ranging from the deadly to the hallucinogenic to the incredibly expensive culinary varieties. Tens of thousands of mushroom varieties exist, with only a small percentage fit for cooking. Mushrooms can be commercially cultivated or wild foraged, with the latter becoming a hot food trend in recent years.… Read more »


A Festivus for the Rest of Us

If you were a fan of the popular 90s sitcom Seinfeld, the term Festivus should spark up some nostalgia. The prolific aluminum pole. A meal consisting of meatloaf and spaghetti with red sauce. George Costanza (Jason Alexander) being wrestled to the floor by his father in an attempt to pin him against his will. Oh Festivus, how you warm the cockles of my heart.… Read more »


Wrap City

You’d be hard pressed to find someone that doesn’t enjoy consuming their meals in wrapped form. Lettuce wraps, flatbread wraps, tortilla wraps, and pita wraps can be stuffed with pretty much anything your heart desires. Veggies, meat, cheese, spreads… the possibilities are endless and the outcomes often delicious. On top of that, the wrap is the ultimate grab-and-go food when you’re in a hurry.
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What’s in Season? Artichokes!

Did you know that the edible part of the artichoke is actually the bud of the plant’s flower? Originating in the Mediterranean region, the artichoke is a variety of a species of thistle. That might not sound too appetizing but don’t let that little fact rob you of the joy of eating its tender heart, inner stem and petals. … Read more »


How to Manage Your Food Waste

The amount of food we waste as a society is mind-boggling. Estimates suggest that around 30–40% of all edible food is lost or thrown away. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, that translates to over 130 billion pounds, or around 141 trillion calories, worth over $160 billion. That’s a lot of scraps. The good news is that food waste is having a moment, and there are many ways we can help.… Read more »


5 Unusually Delicious Thanksgiving Recipes

There’s something to be said for the nostalgia and comfort that comes along with classic Thanksgiving dishes. Roasted turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, sweet potatoes, and Brussels sprouts… the quintessential menu that wouldn’t be complete if it wasn’t swimming in gravy and a few dollops of cranberry sauce. Top it all off with a big slice of pumpkin pie and you’re ready for your food coma.… Read more »


Top 5 Most Nutritious Beans

Does that old song from your childhood about beans and their ‘musical’ powers keep you from buying them when you visit the grocery store? Don’t let a little hot air scare you away… beans are incredibly nutritious and can be prepared in numerous delicious recipes. Where would the almighty burrito be without the bean? Hummus would be non-existent. Chili would be lackluster. The list goes on…
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