Luvo’s Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Eat More Beets with this Easy Soup Recipe

As a child of the Canadian prairies, vegetable appreciation has always been part of my life. I remember my grandmother serving up fresh cut veggies from the farm with no dip or sauce in sight… just a little salt and pepper to bring out the naturally delicious flavors. I was also mesmerized by her root cellar, where she kept jars of homemade pickles of all kinds, including beets. I loved their vibrant color and sweetness and when I wasn’t eating them pickled, I often enjoyed them boiled and sliced as a side dish.… Read more »


7 Reasons Why Eggs Are Amazing

It’s National Egg Day, which means it’s time for us all to take a moment to praise the all-mighty egg! Humans have been eating eggs for thousands of years in one form or another. This could be due to the fact that these little guys pack tons of nutrition, not to mention culinary versatility, within their delicate shells. In fact, eggs are one of the healthiest foods on the planet.… Read more »


Nutritious Food Swaps: Thanksgiving

I just love Thanksgiving! It’s a wonderful time to reconnect with friends and family who I don’t see often, and while I practice gratitude routinely, my practice really revs up on this day. And then there’s the food. The aromas, the visual feast, the indulgences—they’re all part of the tradition.… Read more »


Top 5 Most Nutritious Nuts

People trying to eat healthy might steer clear of nuts because of their high fat and calorie content, but this is somewhat misguided reasoning. The old rule of ‘everything in moderation’ applies to nuts I particular because in smaller amounts, they deliver a ton of excellent nutrition. In fact, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, eating a handful of nuts every day may actually lengthen your lifespan. In addition to that, nuts contain… Read more »


Calories: To Count or Not to Count?

It’s the age-old debate, right alongside which came first—the chicken or the egg? As with your diet and your denim, there’s no one-size-fits all approach. It boils down to what works for you. What I encourage, however, is to become calorie aware, and to strive to eat calories that work hard for you.… Read more »


Know Your Food: Curry 101

When it starts to get cold outside, not many things bring me as much joy as curling up with a hot, spicy and rich curry dish, even better when paired with a glass of my favorite sweet white wine.

Although several variations exist, the combination of spices, herbs and hot chilies in curry dishes produces an enticing scent most people can recognize as soon as it hits their noses. This is likely due to common main ingredients turmeric, coriander and cumin. Curry can be wet or dry, and … Read more »


The Greatest Pumpkin Smoothie of All Time

My mother told me that my addiction to pumpkin started very early. Apparently, there’s photographic evidence of a much younger, blonder and less-clothed me eating pumpkin pie at various family gatherings, on a bale of hay, and even at my own birthday (my birthday treat of choice has since been replaced with a dairy-free Coconut Bliss ice cream log–a girl’s gotta live).… Read more »