Luvo’s Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Sneaky Sugar Offenders

Many of us begin a healthy lifestyle journey by giving up sugary sodas and cutting back on cookies and other sweets. That’s a great start, but sugar may be lurking in some seemingly healthy foods, too. And yes, you should care.

The American Heart Association suggests limiting added sugars to an average of 6 tsp a day for women and 9 tsp a day for men. The trouble is, you could … Read more »


Hold the Meat: 5 Complete Protein Sources from Plants 

As someone who’s adopted virtually every dietary label on the spectrum, from a straight up buffalo chicken wing addict, to dabbling in raw veganism, to finally landing in an ambiguous flexitarian zone, I. Have. Heard. It. All.

“But, but… bacon!”

“You don’t make friends with salad!”

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Artful Burrito Building

The construction of a burrito takes a great amount of care and precision. It’s not simply a matter of throwing together some ingredients and slapping a tortilla around them. It’s much more technical than that. Artful, even.

For a burrito to achieve optimal taste and performance, four important elements must be considered. The fusion of ingredients, the melding of textures, … Read more »


Healthy Snack Alert: Homemade Popcorn


Fun-Healthy-Popcorn-Recipe-Luvo-kernel-2 Popcorn is a very nutritious, high-fiber, low-calorie, wholegrain snack. No, I’m not talking about the neon yellow kind that comes in microwaveable pouches. For some strange reason, I spent most of my young life believing that was the only way I could enjoy popcorn. I was so, so wrong.

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5-Ingredient Smoothie Recipes

In the spirit of saving time and cash while maximizing taste, I challenged myself to whittle my usual 10+ ingredient morning smoothie recipes down to five ingredients. A wise friend pointed out that by doing this, I’ve also created recipes that are great for people who are new to the world of smoothie-ing (yes, I just made that word up).… Read more »


Top 5 Most Nutritious Seeds

I’m a huge fan of nuts, but they shouldn’t get all the glory. Seeds are also delicious little nuggets of nutrition you can easily incorporate into your diet. They’re highly sprinkle-able on salads, snack-able on their own, and mash-able so you can use them in place of nut butters and other dip-like things. Each seed brings its own unique flavor and… Read more »