Luvo’s Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


The Student’s Guide to Eating Well

Going off to college or university is an exciting time. It can bring an overwhelming mix of emotions. After all, you’ve got to figure out how you’re going to navigate campus, make good grades, make friends, and basically make it on your own. You’re probably not overly concerned with making food. In my first year of university,… Read more »


Guide to Good Greens

Do you love greens? Maybe you’re an iceberg lettuce loyalist who’s never ventured into the wild world of greens. Or maybe you can’t get enough spinach but haven’t tried much else. No matter your experience level, it’s never a bad idea to expand your greens menu. Add more greens to your… Read more »


Bite-Sized Bacon Appetizers

There’s an old proverb that goes something like he who can’t get bacon, must be content with cabbage. Not to take anything away from cabbage. We’re big fans (brussels sprouts too). But let’s face it, a little lean proscuitto or some aged pancetta can really liven up a dish.… Read more »


Quick Leftover
Rotisserie Chicken Recipes

Have you ever picked up a rotisserie chicken from your local market, say for a dinner for two, and realized just how much meat is left over? Maybe you’re a master griller and you’ve roasted the bird on a rotisserie yourself (well done)? Either way, there always seems to be leftovers, which can translate to a pretty tasty chicken dish parte deux.… Read more »


Chef John Mitchell’s Summer Salad

There is nothing better than digging into a cool, crisp, homemade salad on warm summers night. Let cooking be part of an adventure starting with a family outing to a strawberry field, a wander through a local farmer’s market for your favorite salad fixings and a selection of your favorite nuts… Read more »


6 Questions with Food Artist Julie Lee

Luvo-Julie-Lee As I began my daily —and bottomless— trip into the food blog newsreel a few weeks ago, artist Julie Lee’s meticulously arranged food-collages stopped me dead in my tracks. I instantly found myself getting lost in her adventures at the Santa Monica Farmer’s Market and in her own urban garden, and (like most fans) venturing into her dreamy instagram filled with the most beautiful, naturally lit patterns made-up of vibrant and seasonal vegetables, fruit and flowers.  … Read more »


Tips for a Successful Detox

So you’ve decided to dump sugar… and gluten… and all those other tasty synthetic ingredients created to give you a temporary spike in blood sugar and endorphins. Just like with any break up, you’re going to need a plan if you’re going to make it through those first few lonely days. Otherwise, you could find yourself on a crazy midnight car ride where you end… Read more »