Luvo’s Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


To Stretch or Not to Stretch?

While the jury’s still out on whether or not stretching helps improve your performance or prevent injuries and muscle soreness, there’s no doubt that it feels pretty darn good. It can certainly help you ease into your workout and wind down when you’re done, and it also improves your flexibility.… Read more »


How to Have a Perfect Fourth of July Picnic

The only thing better than deciding what you’re going to eat this Fourth of July is finding the perfect red, white and blue accents to give your party that extra spark. Decorate your picnic table or backyard bonfire with some of our favorite finds from around the web:… Read more »


5 Surprisingly Delicious BBQ Tips

Warm weather means more opportunities to get outside and fire up the grill! The smell of sizzling deliciousness being kissed by BBQ flames is pretty much the smell of summer.

Everyone knows about the usual grilling suspects – hot dogs, burgers, steaks, kebabs – but why not get creative with your grilling? Many foods taste absolutely delicious when grilled, and the possibilities are really only limited by your imagination … Read more »


5 Awesome Avocado Recipes

I must confess – my love for avocados was born out of two experiences: 1.) an impromptu Mexican road trip, where they became my surfing fuel, and 2.) learning that the first thing Jason Mraz (my fantasy boyfriend) bought when he made it big was an avocado farm. … Read more »


How to Make Your Salad Exciting!

Eating more vegetables can be as simple as adding more salad to your life, but what if the idea of eating a salad bores you to tears? You’re not alone. It’s probably because you haven’t explored all the wonderful world of salad (yes, I just said that).

There’s much more to salad than mixed greens!… Read more »


Meet Golfer Victoria Elizabeth

Victoria and I became fast friends when she stopped by our pop-up bistro at the Shoprite Classic in New Jersey last month. Not only is she rocking it on the LPGA tour, she’s also a passionate foodie! Read below to see what makes her smile and how she likes to fuel her game.… Read more »


What’s the Deal with Greek Yogurt?

Greek yogurt is everywhere these days, and it’s not just a trend – there are some pretty compelling reasons why more people are choosing Greek yogurt over other varieties.… Read more »