Luvo’s Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Follow the Leader!

How parents can influence fitness

Parents, you’ve got the hardest job ever – you have to soothe those screeching toddlers in public, claim the kid that knocked over the store display and, in general, teach miniature humans right from wrong. It’s a daunting job, and we commend you! We’re all busy, with growing lists of things to do and teach our children; from safety, manners, and educating them to general awesomeness. But so often fitness and physical health can take a back seat. With childhood obesity and diabetes rates rising, it’s becoming urgent to encourage kids… Read more »


Healthy Buzzwords Decoded

It seems like there’s a new healthy buzzword making the rounds almost every other day. Keeping up and learning what they actually mean can be difficult. Which ones are just marketing ploys designed to make you think you’re eating healthy when you’re actually not? Which are the real deal? Let us break it down for you:… Read more »


How to Make Avocado Cream

It’s everyone’s favourite holiday: National Guacamole Day! Since we already stunned the world with our tasty Guac-KALE-mole recipe last year (did you try it yet? Do it!), we thought we’d switch it up this year with a recipe for our favorite sour cream substitute:… Read more »


Secrets to Better Kebabs

The concept of eating foods on sticks was clearly invented by a genius. A quick and tasty meal you can take on the go that requires little to no clean up effort… what’s not to love? Since we’ve already covered how much we love said foods, we thought we’d take this opportunity to focus on the original meal on a stick: the kebab.… Read more »


Guide to Sausages

Summer’s coming to a glorious end. If you’re a meat eater, perhaps you’ve had a chance to enjoy at least one barbecue, if not many more. One of my favorite things to grill, and I’m guessing they’re also one of yours, are sausages. But which kind? What flavor? There are so many types and combinations, we better investigate. … Read more »


The Nutrition Questions I’m Always Asked

From the playground to the Player’s Tribune events, I’m quite a popular gal. I’d like to say it’s my winning personality that draws the fanfare, but often it’s the fact that as a dietitian, I’m available to answer all of those nagging, personal questions about food and nutrition that leave you wondering…what’s the real story? It’s a common occurrence, from the mom at school who handed me her food diary to Kelly Ripa (the Kelly Ripa!), who, upon meeting her briefly, whipped out her protein bar and asked me to weigh in.… Read more »