The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Ramps 101

I know spring has sprung when I start to see those weird curly things that kinda look like crazy green onions spilling out of the crates at the local farmer’s market. To be honest, I didn’t really know what ramps were until a few years ago, and when I finally learned, I didn’t have a clue what to do with them.

What are ramps anyway?

Ramps are a type of wild leek that’s one of the first veggies to emerge from the soil in the springtime. Their flavor could be described as pungent and slightly garlicky, and they can be used cooked or raw in recipes in place of leeks and green onions.

Ramps are a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C and iron. Like their bulbous garlic cousins, they contain heart-healthy sulphur compounds. They’re also a good source of antioxidants, folate and fiber.

Cooking with ramps

Due to their strong flavor, ramps may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but people who love raw onions and garlic will likely gobble them up. Cooking them softens their flavor, much in the way roasting garlic or caramelizing onions makes them more palatable for sensitive taste buds.

Ramps are great for making pesto, pickling, sautéing, grilling, or even adding flavor to savory baked goods. If you’re like my friend Justine who believes food can never have too much flavor, you might like to try this recipe (I find the name particularly telling): Assertive Green Salad with Ramps, Bacon and Blue Cheese.

More ramp recipes to try: 

I don’t know about you, but my hunger is ramping up (sorry). Do you have any yummy ramp recipes to share? Do it in the comments or on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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