The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Lil’ Raw Key Lime Pies

I suppose you could call these tarts, but I feel they’re far too sophisticated in their delivery to be labeled as such (plus tarts are like pie’s younger, annoying sister). In fact, when I eat four of these lil’ pies, versus one giant slice of pie, I don’t feel guilty, not for a second and not because they’re full of rad superfoods, but simply because they’re lady like. So go ahead and eat four, feel like a lady, or a lady-man…annnnnnyway.

Raw Key Lime pie from @Luvoinc #HealthyDessert #KeyLime

Ingredients for Raw Graham Cracker-Like Crust

  • 1 cup raw walnut halves
  • ½ cup raw pecan pieces
  • ½ cup, pitted chopped medjool dates soaked in hot water for 5 minutes
  • 1 vanilla bean pod
  • 1 tsp raw ground cinnamon
  • Pinch of sea salt

Raw Key Lime pie from @Luvoinc #HealthyDessert #KeyLime


  1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor (don’t forget to scrape the vanilla seeds from the pod with your knife and add them to the mix) and pulse until crumbly (not mushy). The crust needs a little attitude, so don’t pulse too much a small crumble will give it texture like graham cracker crust.

Raw Key Lime pie from @Luvoinc #HealthyDessert #KeyLime

  1. Grease mini muffin tins with a little coconut oil. Place a ½ inch wide strip of parchment through the center of each one, long enough to use the parchment as a little handle to lift the lil’ pies out when they are done (geeenius right?!). The crust shouldn’t be so thick it takes over, so use about 1/2 tbsp. per pie (pro tip: make little equal balls first, so that you have enough for all of them). Build it up mid way along the side of the tin pressing firmly, creating a little ‘cup-crust’ situation. Transfer crusts to freezer for 15 minutes to get them cold and firm.

Raw Key Lime pie from @Luvoinc #HealthyDessert #KeyLime

Ingredients for Key Lime Filling

  • ¼ cup raw coconut butter (Artisana is my fav) OR make your own (see below*)
  • ¼ cup raw cashews soaked in water overnight, then drained
  • 1 tbsp. spoon coconut oil
  • 1 whole firm avocado (not too ripe)
  • The juice and zest of 6 key limes or 4 regular limes
  • 4 tbsp. spoons raw honey
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • Lime zest and orange zest for garnish

*Coconut butter recipe: Place ¼ cup of shredded coconut in food processor on high speed, let it blend for 5 minutes. Scrape the sides and blend again for another 2-3 minutes. You’ll start to see the coconut turn into a crumbly mix, then boom! Magic, coconut butter.

Raw Key Lime pie from @Luvoinc #HealthyDessert #KeyLime

  1. Combine all of the filling ingredients in a food processor and blend really well; until super, dreamy creamy whipped. Pro tip: Add three drops of warm water to make a perfect emulsion.
  1. Using a small spoon, lovingly fill the pies’ with the filling but just to the top of the crust line or you will be cursing me when you are trying to get them out (although I don’t think pie can ever fail – it’s pie after all)

Raw Key Lime pie from @Luvoinc #HealthyDessert #KeyLime

  1. Refrigerate for a minimum of 30 minutes, until it firms up and becomes easy to pull out of the tins with the little parchment handles. Garnish with lime and orange zest, and if you’re feeling adventurous you can sprinkle with bee pollen, cacao nib, or a little cayenne dusting is insanely delicious. You can store these in the freezer; simply remove 10 minutes before serving them (Makes 1 dozen)

I guarantee you will eat four of these sophisticated lil’ pies, it’s impossible not to!

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