The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


The Best Red Wines

to pair with Luvo’s latest entrées

If you saw our post pairing Luvo entrees with white wines, you’ll know you’ve got many options for taste matching with cool crisp cups. Today we’re going to complete the circle by suggesting a few red wines you might want to try with our new meals. You probably saw this post coming, because you’re smart. 

We’ve talked before about cooking with wine. It’s long been used to enhance and bind the flavors of saucy dishes. And it doesn’t hurt to drink it either. Here are a few of our favorite red wines to try—let us know what you think.

Red Curry Chicken (pair with Pinot Noir)

This dish packs a wallop—its slightly rich and creamy without being heavy. Above all, flavorful, with sweet red curry sauce, fragrant jasmine rice and hearty kale rounding out the taste experience. A perfect match for Pinot Noir, one of the toughest wines to produce at a high quality—but when it’s done right, it’s great. Try one from Oregon; it should be medium- to light-bodied, with harmonic earthy and cranberry notes that will make this dish sing.

Chicken Chorizo Chili (pair with Tempranillo)

This dish reminds me of Spain. Chorizo tends to do that. The smoky red sausage is ubiquitous in the country. It’s no surprise that this dish pairs perfectly with that other iconic Spanish red: tempranillo, especially one from the Rioja region. Widely available at a reasonable price almost anywhere, and known for flavors of vanilla, leather, cherry and plum, Spanish tempranillo is an ideal complement to the spice in this meal. Close your eyes and you’ll think you’re in Burgos.

Turkey Vegetable Lasagna (pair with Sangiovese)

Italian wine, man, it’s a mystery. The grape varieties grown there seem totally different than anywhere else. But one that’s quite common, and pairs very nicely with the savory tomato essence of this dish, is Sangiovese. It tends to medium bodied, with prominent acidity and flavors of oregano, thyme, roses, and roasted pepper. In other words, it’s perfect.

Chicken and Harissa Chickpeas (pair with Merlot or Malbec)

Chicken dishes tend to go best with medium-bodied red wines such as Merlot. I’d recommend a cool climate option, such as those produced in Bordeaux, or more specifically, Pomerol or Fronsac. These locales create earthy, tobacco notes that will suit the slightly smoky flavor from the harissa. Another good option is Malbec, noted for a smoky edge of its own, which will provide a nice counterpart for this dish. Look to Argentina, the biggest producer, or Cahors, France, a cool climate locale.

What’s your favorite red wine to pair with Luvo meals? Let us know in the comments and on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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