The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Road Trip Essentials

There’s nothing quite like piling your pals into the car and embarking on a cross-country adventure. Road trips can be super fun but they can also have a few downsides… sitting on your rump for hours can take its toll, and finding appropriate sustenance along the way with nothing but gas stations and fast food restaurants in sight can be a challenge (and don’t even get me started on my brother’s penchant for filling the vehicle with his own signature scent).

Having been on many road trips, from cruising down the west coast from Vancouver to California with my family, to heading north on a small-town-hopping adventure with my friends, I’ve picked up a few tips for making the best of it and ensuring the journey is enjoyed just as much as the destination.

Pack some snacks 

No matter where you’re heading on your road trip, finding good, healthy food along the way likely won’t be easy, at least until you hit a major metropolis. Going the fast food route might seem like a good idea at the time, but it will likely leave you feeling gross after a few hours in the car. To keep you satisfied as well as feeling great (and maybe saving some money too), packing your own road snacks is a must. Go for protein-rich foods that will keep you satisfied for the long haul. Try these road trip snack ideas worthy of your precious picnic basket and cooler space (don’t forget the ice packs and reusable containers!):

  • Pumpkin Seed Dried Cherry Trail Mix (or make your own with your favorite nuts, seeds and dried fruit)
  • Peanut butter and jam sandwiches
  • Veggies like mini carrots and a healthy, homemade dip, like this Ranch Greek Yogurt Dip (pro tip: mix your seasonings right into the yogurt container and you have the perfect transport vessel with a lid!)
  • Hardboiled eggs
  • Fresh fruit, like apples, bananas and oranges
  • Cheese and wholegrain crackers
  • Homemade energy bars, like these Figgy Fuel Bars 

Stay hydrated

While stopping for frequent potty breaks is undesirable for a number of reasons (hello, stinky roadside port-a-potties), feeling the effects of dehydration (i.e. headaches) can be much worse and make your trip not-so-enjoyable. Instead of buying sugary sodas and juices, bring along your favorite reusable bottles and fill them up with water at every stop to keep your body functioning at an optimal level. Pro tip: you can also get much-needed hydration on road trips from the natural water content of any fruits and veggies you decide to bring along.

Pile on the pillows

Sleeping in a moving machine, whether it’s an airplane or backseat of a car, without a comfortable place to rest your head can lead to much more than some awkward drooling. To avoid getting an uncomfortable cramp in your neck and improve your chances of actually getting some sleep (this is especially important if you are sharing driving duties and need to be alert later), bring a pillow! Any pillow will do, but if you want to get fancy, those neck pillows you find at the airport also do the trick quite nicely without taking up too much space.

Wear comfy clothes

File this one under ‘duh’: wearing stretchy, comfortable clothing will help you stay comfortable during your road trip. Make sure you have a few layers on hand for changes in temperature or for when you can’t settle on an agreeable AC setting. Think yoga pants, ponchos that double as blankets, spacious hoodies or sweatshirts… you get the idea. 

Stretch your legs

Avoid getting crampy and sore and keep your circulation moving by getting out of the car for a stretch and a little exercise every few hours. For the most interesting places to do this, watch for signs along the road that indicate hiking trails, lookouts or other natural attractions. 

Play some games

Aside from the obvious travel versions of your favorite games (Travel Scrabble being my top pick), you have plenty of options for games that don’t require any complicated pieces but help you pass the time just as well. Having a few up your sleeve is especially important if you’re traveling with small children who can get bored and cranky. Try these family-friendly options: 10 Boardless, Pieceless Road Trip Games.


What are your top tips for having an enjoyable road trip? Share them in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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