The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Ode to the Potato

March is synonymous with many wonderful things, including that special holiday where we bust out every green piece of clothing we own and drink (probably too much) green beer in celebration of the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick. It’s also the perfect time of year to pay homage to the almighty potato, in season in March and a central ingredient in traditional Irish cooking. In fact, they love their potatoes so much in Ireland that several traditional potato-based dishes come with their own love song. And it’s not just the Irish that are in love with the potato; we’re very fond of them here in America, too, since they’re the key ingredient in one of our most beloved foods: the French fry.

What’s Not to Love?

Whether you’re Irish or not, the reasons to add potatoes to your menu are plenty. They’re packed with essential vitamins and minerals. A medium potato with the skin on delivers almost half of your daily recommended value of Vitamin C, 18% of your potassium and 10% of your Vitamin B-6. Potatoes are starchy carbohydrates that provide lots of energy and even perform in a similar fashion to fiber by protecting against colon cancer, improving glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, lowering plasma cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations and helping you feel full.

The History of Spuds

So where did these little lumpy tubers come from? The potato actually played quite a significant role in human history. Originating in the Andes, potato crops quickly spread throughout Europe and became a staple crop in many countries. In fact, the potato has been recognized for its contribution to the European 19th century population boom. Today, it is the world’s fourth largest food crop, with about 5,000 varieties in existence around the world.

Delicious Potato Recipes

Potatoes shouldn’t always be banished to the deep fryer, regardless of how mouthwatering they become in that state. You can prepare potatoes in many different ways, and with their neutral-ish flavor and starchy texture, they become excellent delivery vessels for a multitude of flavors. They add substance to soups, make breakfasts extra hearty, and taste fabulous when seasoned and roasted to crispy perfection.

More ways to enjoy some tasty taters:

Boxty: A traditional Irish potato pancake, boxty is made with finely shredded raw potatoes, mashed potatoes, flour, baking soda, buttermilk and sometimes egg. The mixture is fried in a pan just like you would do with any pancake. You can eat boxty as they are, add some spices and flavorings or stuff them with various savory fillings. Try Martha’s recipe for Irish Boxty Potatoes.

Colcannon: Another dish out of Ireland, colcannon is a rich concoction of mashed potatoes, kale or cabbage, butter, cream and sometimes cheese. It’s basically mashed potatoes gone wild (and delicious). Try Saveur’s recipe for Classic Colcannon.

Shepherd’s Pie: Also known as cottage pie, this Irish recipe consists of a meaty filling surrounded by a mashed potato crust. Vegetarians can make their own version easily by substituting a vegetarian ‘meat’ or lentils for the filling. Alton Brown’s recipe for gourmet Shepherd’s Pie uses ground lamb.

Classic Meat & Potatoes: If you don’t feel like cooking, you can get your potato fix in our good-for-you take on a classic comfort food meal: Turkey Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes with Brussels sprouts, butternut squash and cranberries. Yum!

How do you like your potatoes? Share your favorite recipes in the comments or on Twitter at @luvoinc.


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