The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Savory Apple Recipes

It’s about that time of year (apple season) when couples drag themselves (or skip) to the apple orchards on the outskirts of the city. Markets overflow with apple baskets stuffed to the brim, and people start to wonder, “What are some tasty things to do with apples?” The sheer volume of the average apple haul creates the perfect opportunity to experiment with different recipes. Why not opt for savory over sweet? We’ve got a few suggestions:

Chicken, Apple and Fennel Salad

Got some leftover chicken? This salad is for you. Toasted almonds, crunchy fennel, crisp julienned apple and a tangy mustard vinaigrette make for a delicious flavor combination. Get the recipe: Chicken, Apple and Fennel Salad.

Cornbread with Caramelized Apples and Onions

In this recipe, my favorite bread of all time gets a tasty upgrade, and a crispy, delicious crust because it’s baked in a cast iron skillet (more on the benefits of that here). The caramelized apples and onions create a savory/sweet union you simply can’t pass up. Get the recipe: Cornbread with Caramelized Apples and Onions.

Apple and Cheddar Frittata

The apple and cheddar combo is a classic one, but have you ever tried it in a frittata? Now’s your chance with Martha Stewart’s super simple and delicious recipe: Apple and Cheddar Frittata. Martha suggests pairing it with a cider-glazed sausage and green salad, and Martha usually knows what’s up.

Ravioli with Apples and Walnuts 

Apples and pasta?! Yup, it’s a thing. When it’s ravioli stuffed with cheese, it starts to make more sense because cheese and apples always make a fabulous combo. You can make your own ravioli if you really want to impress. Get the recipe: Ravioli with Apples and Walnuts.

Turkey Sandwich with Apple and Havarti

Apples don’t show up in sandwiches too often, but they really should. This recipe is easy to make and uses unique condiments like peach-ginger chutney and Dijon mustard. Mmmm. Get the recipe: Turkey Sandwich with Apple and Havarti.

Sauteed Apples with Thyme

Looking for a savory twist on a fruit salad? This recipe does the trick. It’s incredibly simple, too. Just sauté your chopped apples in butter, stir in your seasonings and serve as a wonderful fall side dish. Get the recipe: Sauteed Apples with Thyme.

Curried Parsnip and Apple Soup

Curry, ginger, velvety pureed apples, earthy parsnips and a potato for good measure–this soup has it all! This creamy and hearty recipe is definitely worthy of the chilliest fall evenings. See for yourself: Curried Parsnip and Apple Soup.

Organic Apple Coconut Curry Burrito

Don’t feel like cooking, but want to try the delicious combination of apple and curry? Pick up one of our good-for-you Organic Apple Coconut Curry Burritos!

What’s your favorite savory apple recipe? Share it in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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