The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Take Yogurt From Sweet to Savory

If the thought of swapping your fruity yogurt for a savory yogurt makes you furrow your brow in befuddlement, hear me out! Savory yogurt can be a surprisingly delicious way to fuel your morning (or any time of day, really). Just think–yogurt is often the base for savory dips and dressings, so why not pick that idea up and run with it?

Just like its sweet cousins, you can customize your savory yogurt to your taste preferences, and it’s a lot less complicated than you might think. With just a few simple ingredients, you can make your own quick, nutritious, protein-packed meal. Where do you begin? Start by swapping the honey for extra virgin olive oil, tossing in your favorite fresh herbs, and sprinkling a few nuts for texture, then expand from there.

Try these flavor combinations and you might even find your new favorite way to eat yogurt (we suggest using Greek yogurt for its high protein, mega-creamy factor):

Chopped Cucumber + Garlic + Olive Oil + Lemon + Dill

If you’re a fan of Greek cuisine, you’re likely familiar with this flavor combo also known as tzatziki. Toast up some pita triangles to enjoy on the side.

Sauteed Mushrooms + Cooked Wheat Berries + Walnut Oil

This unique yogurt flavor combination comes from the genius minds at Bon Appetit (I’m drooling just thinking about it).

Tomatoes + Fresh Basil + Olive Oil

This combo reminds me of one of my favorite salads–caprese, which normally uses fresh mozzarella. Seek out the freshest summer tomatoes you can find and let the natural flavors of each ingredient shine through. So simple and delicious!

Garlic Sauteed Spinach + Lemon Juice + S&P 

This one is a play on creamed spinach and also makes an excellent dip for your favorite bread or veggies.

Roasted Sweet Potato + Olive Oil + Smoked Paprika + Garlic

Roast the sweet potatoes in a mix of olive oil, smoked paprika, garlic powder (and salt and pepper for good measure), then toss with greek yogurt. Yum!

Make Your Own Flavor Combo

Bon Appetit suggests experimenting with various combinations of things like olive oil, roasted veggies, sautéed onions, garlic, miso, tahini, harissa fresh herbs, olives and cooked grains.

Try these savory yogurt recipe ideas and let us know how it goes! Share your thoughts in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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