The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


6 Delicious Ways to Transform Tea

Tea isn’t just for sipping in the afternoon with tiny, bland cucumber sandwiches. I used to think that was the case, until a friend of mine turned me onto the delicious creation that is the Earl Grey Marteani. It got me thinking: What else could be done in the kitchen with tea? I discovered that tea can be used to flavor a variety of dishes, both sweet and savory, and people have been doing it for a long time. Due to the many different kinds of tea in existence, each with their own distinct flavors, the possibilities for flavoring your food and drinks with tea are virtually endless.

You can use tea in a similar way to other herbs and spices in your cooking. Always pay attention to the flavor of the tea on its own and whether it would complement the dish. Tea can be used in rubs for meat, poultry or fish, in baking by infusing your butter with tea leaves, in marinades, dressings and sauces, or you can just sprinkle the ground leaves on your food as an added seasoning.

Here are some yummy recipes that use tea:

The Famous Earl Grey Marteani

This cocktail can be credited for single-handedly starting my obsession with fancy cocktails. It involves steeping earl grey tea bags in your gin, then using the gin to make a frothy, lemony-sweet martini. The original recipe for this genius creation is credited to New York bartender Audrey Saunders. Here it is in all its glory: The Earl Grey Marteani

Rooibos Butternut Pizzettas

 The fruity flavor of rooibos herbal tea adds a wonderful dimension to the roasted butternut squash rounds in this recipe. Like mini pizzas, the rounds are first brushed with a rooibos infused butter, roasted, then sprinkled with a mixture of rooibos and salt to finish. It’s a super easy but super impressive recipe for showing off your cooking-with-tea skills. Recipe: Rooibos Butternut Pizzettas.

Chinese Tea Leaf Eggs

Chinese tea leaf eggs are a popular snack around the world. They’re made by marinating hard-boiled eggs in their shells a mixture of black tea, spices and soy sauce, imparting both an interesting color and flavor to the eggs. The shells are cracked before marinating, leaving a marble-like pattern on the eggs. Try this recipe: Chinese Tea Leaf Eggs.

Chai Tea Rub and Dressing

If you’ve every tried chai tea, you know it’s a wonderful medley of warm spices, so why not cook with it? Use this rub to flavor a variety of grilled proteins, like steak, shrimp, chicken or pork. Use the dressing on anything you like, from your favorite salad greens to tacos. Get the recipes: Chai Tea Rub and Dressing.

Green Tea and Tamarind Marinated Tofu and Vegetables

I love tofu because you can make it super flavorful using different marinating and cooking techniques, but I never thought of marinating it in tea. The marinade in this recipe combines green tea with tamarind and rice vinegar, and the marinated tofu is served with a medley of vegetables over rice. Pro tip: Press the moisture out of your tofu and marinate it for as long as you can to get the best flavor. Recipe: Green Tea and Tamarind Marinated Tofu and Vegetables.

Jasmine Cupcakes with Raspberry and Honey

 Apparently, baking with tea is as easy as infusing your butter with tea leaves. Knowing that, you could get very creative with your baking and experiment with your favorite tea flavors in your cookies and muffins. This recipe looks particularly delicious, and the author also runs down how to infuse your butter with tea, step by step. Recipe: Jasmine Cupcakes with Raspberry and Honey.


Do you ever cook with tea? Share your recipes in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc. Don’t forget to try our delicious Green Earl Grey Tea on your next Delta flight.

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