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Six Healthier Ways to Enjoy Italian Food

Ah, Italian food, I’ve yet to meet a person who doesn’t love it in some form. Be it pasta, pizza, or tiramisu- it’s garnered a rep for being an indulgent and unhealthy fare, yet traditional Italian cuisine is quite contrary. Heart-healthy olive oil, antioxidant rich tomato sauces and fresh herbs in rustic Italian food is meant to be eaten as an event- enjoyed slow and deliberate. In recent years, Italian food has become mainstream, with chains using low-quality ingredients, high-fat fillers, taking this ethnic cuisine into the realm of fast-food. It’s time to take Italian food back to its origins and out of the grips of the American cheese and bread revolution that’s been holding it hostage. Use these six tips the next time you’ve watched too many episodes of the Sopranos and find yourself with Tuscan cravings:

Go Red

More often than not, you’ll find the unhealthy Italian dishes in restaurants are in creamy, cheesy pasta. As much as I love a good Fettuccini Alfredo, I try to make those at home, where I control the ingredients. Stay light, stick with a pasta dish with red sauce- it’s great for your heart, full of vitamins and many times less expensive to boot!

Stick with the Veggies

Rustic Italian cuisine uses traditional cooking methods, roasting vegetables, etc., an unfortunate aspect missing in many restaurants. When making lasagna at home, I like to alternate layers of pasta with layers of thinly sliced zucchini or eggplant. Not only does it lighten your carbohydrate footprint but adds valuable fiber and vitamins! If you’re a real nutritional warrior, try lasagna with no noodles at all by layering ricotta, marinara, organic meat with thinly sliced veggies!

Keep it Rustic

Rustic Italian food should be a light fare! Focusing on ingredients and preparation- eating is a family affair, meant as a time to reconnect and enjoy being together. There is a delicious variety of Italian cuisine, so the next time you cook Italiano, try making a dish you’ve never had before. Possibly, some grilled octopus with capers and olives, a seared tuna with artichoke, or preserved lemon and mussels in a white wine broth. Traditional Italian cooks use lots of fresh seafood; it’s a shame we don’t see it more restaurants!

Try unique pasta options

More and more, pasta isn’t just white spaghetti. Now, we have whole wheat, gluten-free, low-carb and vegetable noodle options! Swap out the usual white pasta for whole wheat, and it will help boost the nutritional profile of your next carbonara indulgence!

Start with salad

Often, Italisn cuisine features a salad at the end of the meal to refresh the palate. That’s all fine and dandy, but when you have an appetite as I do, starting a meal- particularly a pasta-centric meal- with a salad can be your saving grace. When you begin with a salad, you can greet your main course without the ravenous craving you may have had prior.

Split a meal

Alright, I know better than anyone that sometimes you need to have that super indulgent meal. And, nothing beats the silky, cheesy deliciousness that comes with Seafood Fettuccini, but one way to curb calories is by simply sharing the irresistible dish! Dining alone? Ask your server to split the meal, and box up half for tomorrow’s lunch!

The next time you’re craving Italiano but don’t want to spend the time or moolah on your dinner, check out Luvo’s newest frozen meals! From our amazing Turkey and Vegetable Lasagna to our Kale or Spinach and Ricotta Ravioli, we’ve got your Italian cravings covered! Bellissimo!

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