The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Spicing Up Your Food Life

We all have that friend that l-o-v-e-s hot sauce. You know, the one that probably has a bottle in their bag right now. Yes, they’re annoying when every restaurant order is followed by a request for more spice, but your friend may be on to something.

In addition to making food more of an adventure, spicing up your meals has numerous health benefits. It can boost your serotonin levels making you happier and less stressed. It helps increase bloodflow and lowers blood pressure benefitting your cardiovascular system and it’s even good for your metabolism, which helps burn fat. It’s a good anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory and is said to help kill cancer cells. Plus, spice will actually make you feel a little more spicy, if you know we what we mean…

So just like that friend of yours, it’s time to start turning up the temperature. Some like it hot. We say, make it hotter.

Try one of these 5 ways to spice up your food life:

Flake Out

Maybe you’ve dipped your toe in by trying chilli flakes on top of pastas and pizza, but you should probably just put your whole foot in. Try sprinkling chilli flakes on avocado toast, mixing them into your hummus or on your steamed broccoli. The options are endless.

Looking to spice up your food life? Check out these tips from @LuvoincIn Your Eggs

If eggs are a staple in your daily diet, try adding a little cayenne pepper or homemade harissa to your scrambles, hard boiled eggs can be dusted with a little Cajun spice mix, or if you’re going for the jalapeno glory? They make a great addition to omelets.

Looking to spice up your food life? Check out these tips from @LuvoincDrink It Up

Get your mixologist on and try firing up your next round of cocktails. We suggest a little wasabi in your Bloody Mary or for margaritas try lining the rim of the glass with cayenne pepper instead of salt.

Looking to spice up your food life? Check out these tips from @LuvoincEat Your Veggies

Roasting veggies for the week to have on deck for your salads and sandwiches? Try cooking them with some turmeric or (for a little kick) some fresh ground black pepper. It’s delish! Add a little black pepper to help the turmeric absorb better.

Looking to spice up your food life? Check out these tips from @LuvoincBut Save Room For Dessert

This may be the last place you’d think to add some spice, but we think it might be our favorite. Make spicy chocolate brownies by adding ½ a teaspoon of cayenne to your mix or fold a little ginger into some crème fraîche and serve with seasonal berries or peach pie. For a warm treat, try this Mexican hot chocolate recipe!

Still looking to add a little spice? Try Luvo’s Gluten-free Chicken Chorizo Chili or Chicken & Harissa Chickpeas for a fast and easy, nutrient-filled meal.

What’s your favorite way to spice up your food-life? Share your tips in the comments and on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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