The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


5 Interesting Spring Herbs to Eat Now

Everyone knows the basics: basil, oregano, parsley, cilantro… but what about those unsung heroes of the herb brigade? This spring, why not add some interesting herbs to your menu and transport your taste buds to another flavor dimension? Expand your herbal horizons with five interesting spring herbs to try right now:


Unless you’re a Ukranian grandma (or have one) this herb likely isn’t a big part of your kitchen repertoire. Dill is a wonderful herb with a bright, tangy flavor and many uses–not just borscht and pickles. It’s a star flavor-enhancer in other delicious things, like the classic smoked salmon appetizer with capers, cream cheese and red onion slivers all piled on top of a bagel. Yum! Here’s a recipe to try: Smoked Salmon Platter with Dill Sour Cream.


Tarragon is one of the four essential herbs in French cooking. It brings a distinctive flavor to many classic French dishes, including the French omelet and béarnaise sauce, which are among the staple recipes every professional chef should be able to make with their eyes closed. In the French omelet, tarragon is added alongside equal parts parsley, chervil and chives. Want to give tarragon a try? Start perfecting your French omelet with this recipe.


Another crucial component in the French omelet, chervil is sometimes also referred to as French parsley due to its similar flavor. Chervil works well as a seasoning for poultry and seafood, and also enhances the flavor of spring vegetables–perfect! Try it in the French omelet recipe linked above, or in this magnificent looking recipe for Sauteed Crab with Avocado, Grapefruit and Herb Salad.

Lime Leaf

 A friend recently returned from a trip to Thailand where she took some cooking classes and learned all about how to prepare delicious Thai food, which often incorporates kaffir lime leaves. She left a few leaves at my house and I loved their flavor so much I incorporated them into everything I was making. Often used in a similar fashion to bay leaves, lime leaves are super fragrant add an intense lime-like flavor to a variety of recipes, including stir-fry sauces and even cocktails. They work very well with chicken and fish and are a main player in many South Asian curry recipes. If you fancy yourself an experienced home bartender, you can try making this spring patio friendly beverage: Kaffir Lime Sour with Ginger.


The perfect herb to brighten your spring, fresh mint has a broad range of culinary uses beyond the almighty mojito. It works very well in salads, smoothies and pestos too! And of course it’s a wonderful addition to a fresh spring dessert like fruit salad. Wondering how you can use mint in your cooking? The Kitchn has a great rundown of 10 tasty recipes ranging from Pearl Couscous Salad with Mint and Pecans to Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.

Try these fresh spring herbs and make your spring menus a lot more interesting! What are your favorite herbs to use in recipes? Share them in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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