The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


5 Steps To A Healthier Cooler

Summer’s not over yet, and there’s still plenty of time to get outdoors and spend a weekend or day trip at the beach. If you’re preparing for some time on the sand, consider making these healthy swaps when packing your cooler to make it full of healthy and delicious food for you and your friends and family.

luvo-healthy-picnics-water Instead of: Soda

Pack This: Sparkling Water
Sparkling Water is carbonated and comes in natural flavors like lime and lemon so you still get a flavored beverage, but without all the added sugar and calories. Just make sure to check the labels and ensure there are no added calories or sugar in the sparkling water. Also be sure to pack water bottles full of regular water too because a day in the sun will make you thirsty!


luvo-healthy-picnics-kale-chips Instead of: Chips

Pack This: Kale Chips
You might be thinking this sounds gross, but kale chips are quite delicious. Take a head of kale and remove it from the stem into little pieces. Place in a Ziploc bag and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and sea salt and pepper. Place in the over at 400 degrees for 15 minutes and remove when done. I like to be generous on the sea salt when I make mine and they really satisfy the need to snack on something salty!


luvo-healthy-picnics-fruit Instead of: Candy

Pack This: Fruit
Sometimes it is hard to resist throwing in your candy of choice when packing up your cooler. Instead of these sugary snacks with no nutritional value, try cutting up some fruit and making a fruit salad. Fruit is a natural source of sugar, and the types of fruit that are available in the summertime rock. You can try watermelon, peaches, strawberries, and raspberries for a healthy treat


luvo-healthy-picnics-hummus Instead of: Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches

Pack This: Hummus Wrap

PB & J is an instant go-to when making kids lunches for your beach cooler. But it is also loaded with sugar and carbs. Instead, try something that is filled with protein like a hummus wrap. You can make it with a gluten­free or regular tortilla and fill it with hummus and your protein of choice. Plus the protein will help you feeling full longer when you’re out playing in the waves.


luvo-healthy-picnics-cut-veggies  Instead of: Cookies

Pack This: Cut Up Veggies

I know, I know. That doesn’t sound nearly as good, right? But really, bags of cookies are usually just thrown into a cooler to have something to snack on. But why not snack on something that’s healthy for you. Before you go, cut up some veggies like carrots, red pepper, and celery. You can pair them with a dip like almond butter for the celery or hummus for the carrots and pepper. When you feel the need to snack on something, reach for those instead of a cookie!

There you have it, our simple swaps for a healthier cooler that you can feel good about. Luvo is headed to the Manhattan Beach Open Volleyball tournament this weekend! Be on the lookout for the Luvo tent for some tasty samplings and fun product giveaways!

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