The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


The Student’s Guide to Eating Well

Going off to college or university is an exciting time. It can bring an overwhelming mix of emotions. After all, you’ve got to figure out how you’re going to navigate campus, make good grades, make friends, and basically make it on your own. You’re probably not overly concerned with making food. In my first year of university, my student meal card allowed me to not only fill up on junk food in the school cafeteria and convenience stores, but also use (or I should say, abuse) the delivery service from a popular rotisserie chicken restaurant chain. Forget the ‘freshman 15’… I ended up putting on 30 lbs. And all those nights at the bar followed by late night pizza or poutine did not help.

I was so busy with a job, full course load, co-ed sports, and of course going out dancing with all my new buddies, that my nutrition definitely took a back seat. Looking back now, I would have loved to have had a handy guide for eating healthy in my first few years of university. So with that, I’m going to give you something I never had.

Here are my tips for getting off to a good start this school year:

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Fueling your body and mind with a nutritious breakfast is super important and helps set the tone for the rest of your day. Skipping breakfast can slow your metabolism and affect your ability to concentrate in class. If you’re not a morning person and don’t have time to sit down for the first meal of the day, make sure you’ve got some quick breakfasts on hand, like granola bars, fruit or yogurt.

Drink Lots of Water

I don’t know about you, but my university career involved sharing more than a few pitchers of adult beverages in the evenings followed by lots of sweating it out on the dance floor. That’s a surefire recipe for major dehydration, not to mention a killer hangover. Make sure you’re drinking lots of water (even if you’re not enjoying alcoholic beverages) to help your body flush out any frosh-week toxins. Grab yourself a fancy water bottle and keep it filled as you go from class to class.


Fuel All-nighters Right

When you’re studying late, it’s easy to hit the vending machine for chocolate, chips and soda. Packed with fat, salt, sugar and not many nutrients, these are not the smartest choices, and they’ll likely send your energy crashing later. Instead, pick nutritious snacks that will give you lasting fuel for sifting through those thick academic texts. Hummus and veggies, peanut butter and apples, and yogurt and granola are some good bets.

Use Your Cafeteria Wisely

Campus cafeterias don’t always have an abundance of healthy food choices available. Mine, for example, was notorious for serving vegetables swimming in oil. Try to load up your plate at the salad bar and choose healthy, lean proteins and whole grain options whenever you can.

While you may have limited means for making food in your dorm, campus cafeterias and student centers usually have prep areas for people who bring their own lunches. Microwaves, toasters, toaster ovens, hot water and utensils are all there for you if you want to take control of what you’re putting in your body. 

Keep Healthy Snacks in Your Backpack

You never know when the hunger monster will strike! Keep some granola bars, trail mix, or fruit in your bag so you’re not tempted to grab something quick and potentially unhealthy because there’s nothing else around.

Avoid Late Night Junk Food Temptations

After dancing the night away, my friends and I would often hit up the local street meat vendor, poutinerie, or pizza place and stuff our faces with salty, fatty goodness. While you don’t want to deprive yourself of this great joy in life, try to keep the frequency to a minimum and remember you always have a healthier choice. In my case, there was also a late-night pita place that served whole wheat pitas stuffed with tons of veggies. Choose options like that whenever your beer goggles allow and your tummy will thank you.

Keep Your Dorm Fridge Stocked

I had one of those cute little beer fridges in my dorm room and could have been better at keeping it full of healthier meal options. Keeping nutritious frozen meals on hand is also a great way to avoid fast food temptations. Why not try our nutrient-packed burritos, flatbreads or whole grain penne pasta?

Getting a degree or diploma can be an unforgettable yet exhausting experience for your body and your brain. Try your best to fuel your adventures with healthier choices along the way, you might be surprised at how well you do.


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