The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


How to Eat Healthy While You Travel

We’ve all been there. You’re in a foreign city, sleep-deprived and trying to find your bearings, but your phone’s map doesn’t work because you don’t want to rack up roaming charges. It’s the absolute worst time to be low on energy because you haven’t eaten well, or haven’t eaten anything at all. The good news? With a little foresight and a few common sense moves, you can be fully charged, alert and well on your way to wherever you need to go. In honor of National Healthy Eating Day, here are a few top tips on how to stay healthy while you travel.… Read more »


Best of the Fresh Blog 2014

As our first year in business comes to a close, we took some time at Luvo HQ to reflect on all we have accomplished. The conclusion? This year has been nothing short of amazing! New and blossoming partnerships with Delta Airlines, Yankees legend Derek Jeter and world renowned doctor Mark Hyman all helped propel our mission of getting delicious, healthy food into the hands (and stomachs) of as many Americans as possible. As you know, another part of our philosophy here at Luvo is to be a source of information and inspiration for you. Here are our picks of some of the most celebrated and shared Luvo blog posts of 2014:… Read more »

Luvo now flying with Delta Air Lines

Luvo partners with Delta Airlines

Traveling between LA and San Francisco? Take advantage of Delta Air Line’s hourly shuttle and you’ll get treated to fresh and tasty complimentary … Read more »