The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Swipe Right on These Veggies

When you’re cruising through the produce section or farmer’s market, it can be easy to stick to your old habits and choose the same old veggies every time. There’s nothing wrong with sticking with what you know, but trying new things can be fun. … Read more »


Salads with Grains

Not every salad has to consist of a gleaming mass of green vegetables. The word “salad” simply means a collection of small pieces of food, usually complemented by a sauce. Many cultures have long embraced this broad definition, with traditional salads that include meats, cheeses (we’re looking at you, France), nuts, fruit — heck, even Jell-O. At the moment, one of our favorite ways to build a healthy salad is with a member of the grains family.
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