The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Overcoming the Winter Workout Slump

with Dai Manuel

If you’ve found yourself in an exercise slump, don’t worry you aren’t alone. We all have busy lives, vacations, injuries and a pile of other reasons that put our regular workout routines on the backburner. In fact, this happened to me a few weeks ago. I had finally run the half marathon I’d been training for all summer and woke up the next morning feeling almost every muscle, bone and ligament in my body while dousing myself in a lavender-scented Epsom salt bath. My inner voice said “I’ll just skip my workouts this week and get back to it next week”. I didn’t think it was a big deal.

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6 Tips to Stay on the Fitness Train This Fall

I’ll be the first to admit that sticking to a fitness routine is tough. My commitment to fitness tends to ebb and flow, but I have found that the key to staying motivated is keeping your workout options fresh. This fall, why not put the gym membership on hold (or just continue not having one, like me), and try these tips for staying on the fitness train?… Read more »


How to Fit in More Fitness

Everyone is busy and no one has spare time. That’s the story we tell ourselves and others. Between work, family life, listening to podcasts, and more work, we hardly have time to sleep, let alone exercise. But we need it now more than ever. Our jobs have us sitting at our desks hours a day, and our commutes mean we’re in a car or on the bus for another hour. So how do you find time for fitness?… Read more »