The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Healthy Buzzwords Decoded

It seems like there’s a new healthy buzzword making the rounds almost every other day. Keeping up and learning what they actually mean can be difficult. Which ones are just marketing ploys designed to make you think you’re eating healthy when you’re actually not? Which are the real deal? Let us break it down for you:… Read more »


Radical Food Trends of the ‘90s

I don’t know about you, but when I think about the ‘90s, I can’t help but reminisce about getting home from school and popping some pizza bagels in the microwave, cracking open a bottle of Koala Springs, and turning on my favorite talk show: Ricki Lake. I couldn’t wait to find out who was going to get an awesome makeover and go from ‘geek to chic’ or what family drama would unfold that day.

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Our Favorite Food Trends of 2014

Every year has its food stories: those items that are always in the news or being talked up by your friends and co-workers as the best new thing since pulled pork. 2014 was no exception, as it brought an interesting cross-section of dishes and delights that made the leap from sidekick to superstar. Here are some of our favorites.… Read more »