The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Festivus: Airing of Grievances

Continuing on with our Festivus festivities, comes another cherished tradition coined by the Costanzas. A Festivus celebration always begins with the Airing of Grievances, which must take place the moment the Festivus feast is served.

Beginning at the head of the table, each person takes a turn lashing out at others (and society in general), describing how they’ve been disappointed during the course of the year. What seems negative at first can be viewed as a cleansing or clean slate in preparation for the New Year ahead. Or, things could get hostile. Either way, we sat down with Luvo’s VP of Nutrition Samantha Cassetty to get her take on eating right and being well throughout the holidays.

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A Festivus for the Rest of Us

If you were a fan of the popular 90s sitcom Seinfeld, the term Festivus should spark up some nostalgia. The prolific aluminum pole. A meal consisting of meatloaf and spaghetti with red sauce. George Costanza (Jason Alexander) being wrestled to the floor by his father in an attempt to pin him against his will. Oh Festivus, how you warm the cockles of my heart.… Read more »