The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Clean Eating vs. Healthy Eating

What’s the Difference?

I might be aging myself here, but I remember when “clean” referred to how I kept my apartment or office cubicle. Now, it seems, clean has come to mean embracing a healthy lifestyle. People wear the phrase “clean eating” like a badge of honor, and post pictures of their prizes—anything from #greenjuice to #jerky to less processed versions of candy and cookies—on blogs, Pinterest, and Instagram.… Read more »


Cauliflower: The Most Versatile Veggie?

Cauliflower is one of the most underrated veggies in the world (according to my own unofficial study). Most people don’t realize all the amazing and delicious ways you can eat cauliflower. Dip it, roast it, steam it, fry it… the possibilities are virtually endless, especially when you consider that it’s often used to make a vegan version of Buffalo chicken wings (yes I’ve tried it and yes, it’s delicious).… Read more »


Know Your Food: Curry 101

When it starts to get cold outside, not many things bring me as much joy as curling up with a hot, spicy and rich curry dish, even better when paired with a glass of my favorite sweet white wine.

Although several variations exist, the combination of spices, herbs and hot chilies in curry dishes produces an enticing scent most people can recognize as soon as it hits their noses. This is likely due to common main ingredients turmeric, coriander and cumin. Curry can be wet or dry, and … Read more »