The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


7 Reasons Why Eggs Are Amazing

It’s National Egg Day, which means it’s time for us all to take a moment to praise the all-mighty egg! Humans have been eating eggs for thousands of years in one form or another. This could be due to the fact that these little guys pack tons of nutrition, not to mention culinary versatility, within their delicate shells. In fact, eggs are one of the healthiest foods on the planet.… Read more »


Top 5 Most Nutritious Nuts

People trying to eat healthy might steer clear of nuts because of their high fat and calorie content, but this is somewhat misguided reasoning. The old rule of ‘everything in moderation’ applies to nuts I particular because in smaller amounts, they deliver a ton of excellent nutrition. In fact, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, eating a handful of nuts every day may actually lengthen your lifespan. In addition to that, nuts contain… Read more »


Confessions of a Food Truck Driver

As you may know, Luvo joined the legion of New York City food trucks in August and we’ve been having a ball getting to know our customers in and around NYC. One of the most interesting aspects of running a food truck is the fascinating people you meet each day, so we thought it might be fun to interview two of our favorite local food trucks here in Vancouver, BC (Luvo Headquarters) to get the skinny right from the source.

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The Tastiest Ways to Celebrate World Vegetarian Day

October 1st is World Vegetarian Day, and kicks off a full month of vegetarian awareness around the globe. Unlike all those other questionable food holidays that seem to come out of nowhere (apparently, my birthday falls on National Shrimp Scampi Day), this one has been going strong since 1977 and aims to bring awareness to the benefits of eating more vegetables and less meat.

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Luvo Coffee Pairings

Coffee. Oh coffee. You are the joy in my morning commute, the warmth during cold winter months and a lifesaver when I need to stay alert (like while writing this blog post). I always start my day with a medium roast Americano – black. I don’t always make time to pair my java with something meaningful, which is a shame as coffee can compliment so many different foods.

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Figs Five Ways

You may not know this, but Luvo headquarters is tucked away in Richmond, BC, Canada (a suburb of Vancouver) surrounded by lots of family-run farms and local markets. In this corner of the world, we’re known for growing blueberries and cranberries, which thrive in the peaty soil here.

Because of the moisture in our soil – as Richmond sits slightly below sea level – various fruits grow wild around the area. Over the summer, the Luvo team discovered an apple tree that is now beautifully ripe to pick. We also found rose hips and enough blackberries to bake about one hundred pies (no exaggeration). But the best find of all has been the figs.

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