The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


5 Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets

You’re an adult now. You’ve graduated from that stage where all you cook for dinner is Shake ‘n’ Bake chicken and stir-fry-in-a-bag. You’ve come to a point where you actually enjoy cooking and you don’t always have to follow a recipe. Good for you! So why are you still working with that basic IKEA kitchen starter kit your mom … Read more »


Microwave Myth Busters

Microwaves are ubiquitous in kitchens today, both in homes and restaurants. They are one of the most energy-efficient and fastest ways to heat food, making them ideal for warming leftovers and thawing frozen items. But if you Google “microwaves,” you get a whole universe of hits about their hazards, along with confusing information about how they work. Sorting out the truth from the turkey can be tough. We can help.… Read more »