The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Ramps 101

I know spring has sprung when I start to see those weird curly things that kinda look like crazy green onions spilling out of the crates at the local farmer’s market. To be honest, I didn’t really know what ramps were until a few years ago, and when I finally learned, I didn’t have a clue what to do with them.… Read more »


Know Your Food: Flaxseed 101

In a story about Luvo for Fast Company, Jane Black gave one of the ingredients of our flatbreads foodie cred by saying: “Flaxseed is the Olivia Wilde of the ingredient world–smart, sexy and not overused.” We think that’s pretty bang-on. What’s the story behind this particular ingredient? We decided to break it down for you:… Read more »


Know Your Food: Pomegranates 101

Many of the most wonderful foods in this world require the most work to enjoy their deliciousness. Take pomegranates for example. People are always excited to share the secrets of how they magically extract the seeds from inside this pithy fruit without making a huge mess or sacrificing any of them to the kitchen floor gods.

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