The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Guide to Asian Greens

We’re just a tiny bit obsessed with greens over here at Luvo (evidence can be found here, here and here. They’re tasty, very good for you, and you have so many options to choose from. That being said, we have yet to delve into the wonderful world of Asian greens!

Here’s a rundown of greens commonly used in Asian cooking:… Read more »


Dissecting the Traditional Korean Meal

There’s nothing bland in Korean food. It’s a cuisine of bold flavors and colors, and a balance of rich meats and abundance of vegetables. Packed with ruthless amounts of garlic, onions and the always aromatic sesame oil, combined with a kick from their distinct spicy soy bean paste … Read more »


Guide to Peppers

Peppers are a big family. Any time you go to the grocery store, you probably run into a few. They come in a variety of shapes and colors and degrees of heat, so it’s well worth getting know the different types. Let’s investigate.… Read more »

Celebrate Zucchini

Celebrate Zucchini

...and Other Sneaky Fruits and Veggies to Put in Your Bread

It was National Zucchini Bread Day this past week! The zucchini (also known as a summer squash) is one of the most popular vegetables worldwide, and also one of the most low-calorie with only 17 calories per 100g!

A fantastic source of dietary fibre and antioxidants, these crunchy delights are even proven to protect against colon cancers[1]. In fact, Luvo named the squash one of their Top 5 Healthiest Veggies!

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5 Ways to Convert Veggie Haters

Some people think vegetables are boring. Some even go as far as saying they hate them. Saying you hate vegetables is kind of like saying you hate a blank canvas. Sure, a lot of veggies have distinctive and delicious flavors on their own, but it really comes down to how you prepare them.… Read more »


Make Your Own Kimchi

Kimchi is one of my favorite things to eat. I look forward to going to the farmer’s market every Saturday to grab some sweet daikon radish kimchi handmade by a local artisan. I’m lucky if the jar lasts me until the next farmer’s market. Now you know about one of my most guilty pleasures. Actually… scratch that­–I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. There’s stuff you like, and stuff you don’t like, and if anyone objects to your preferences, you tell them where to go, ok?

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