The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


The Toxin-Flushing Power of Dandelion Coffee

I’m not one to post a #needcoffee pic on instagram on Monday mornings, but I am with the masses that simply love coffee. From the aroma and the taste to the entire café culture, for most us, coffee is something engrained in our day-to-day and it would take a lot for any of us to change the habit.… Read more »


The Healing Power of Bone Broth

So I’m chilling out with my favorite hipster the other day and I’m all “Let’s get some soup ‘cause it’s cold.”

He’s like, “Oh, there’s this new bone broth place down the street that all the cool kids are talking about.”

And I’m all, “Bone broth? The stuff my Oma used to make with leftover over chicken scraps and the vegetables my sister and I didn’t eat?”… Read more »