The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Deflating the Calorie Myth – it is About the Sugar

Originally posted Oct 20th 2015 on Linkedin

I am a big Seahawks fan, so writing this in support of Tom Brady’s comments is a big deal for me. But I believe in our common cause – the truth about sugar.  I appreciate Tom Brady for championing the sugar conversation. I am disappointed in the responses by the Food Industry and the missed opportunity to have a real conversation about sugar.… Read more »


The Nutrition Questions I’m Always Asked

From the playground to the Player’s Tribune events, I’m quite a popular gal. I’d like to say it’s my winning personality that draws the fanfare, but often it’s the fact that as a dietitian, I’m available to answer all of those nagging, personal questions about food and nutrition that leave you wondering…what’s the real story? It’s a common occurrence, from the mom at school who handed me her food diary to Kelly Ripa (the Kelly Ripa!), who, upon meeting her briefly, whipped out her protein bar and asked me to weigh in.… Read more »


Spring Training Tips for Non-Athletes

Spring is finally here! Baseball season is officially underway, and before long it will be time to hit the beach. If you’re feeling a little anxious about baring some skin, and you’re ready for a fresh start, here are six simple steps to healthy-ing up your eating habits and getting in tip top shape – no crazy diet required.… Read more »


Clean Eating vs. Healthy Eating

What’s the Difference?

I might be aging myself here, but I remember when “clean” referred to how I kept my apartment or office cubicle. Now, it seems, clean has come to mean embracing a healthy lifestyle. People wear the phrase “clean eating” like a badge of honor, and post pictures of their prizes—anything from #greenjuice to #jerky to less processed versions of candy and cookies—on blogs, Pinterest, and Instagram.… Read more »


Frozen Friends with Benefits

There’s some confusion out there about frozen foods. People swear they’re not as nutritious or tasty as the fresh stuff. In reality, most of the time frozen options are just as good, if not better. The key is knowing the right circumstances and methods to take your food to the cold side. You have to do a bit of research to debunk the myths—or read this article.… Read more »


Are Pickled Foods Nutritious?

Pickled foods are having a moment. You know they’re part of the zeitgeist when they get lampooned by the TV show Portlandia, as they did a few seasons ago. It seems almost any edible item is capable of being pickled these days—and why not? Pickles add a pleasant pop of flavor to any plate. But as pickling remains a popular approach, the facts about their nutritional profile is not well understood.… Read more »


Best of the Fresh Blog 2014

As our first year in business comes to a close, we took some time at Luvo HQ to reflect on all we have accomplished. The conclusion? This year has been nothing short of amazing! New and blossoming partnerships with Delta Airlines, Yankees legend Derek Jeter and world renowned doctor Mark Hyman all helped propel our mission of getting delicious, healthy food into the hands (and stomachs) of as many Americans as possible. As you know, another part of our philosophy here at Luvo is to be a source of information and inspiration for you. Here are our picks of some of the most celebrated and shared Luvo blog posts of 2014:… Read more »