The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Are Pickled Foods Nutritious?

Pickled foods are having a moment. You know they’re part of the zeitgeist when they get lampooned by the TV show Portlandia, as they did a few seasons ago. It seems almost any edible item is capable of being pickled these days—and why not? Pickles add a pleasant pop of flavor to any plate. But as pickling remains a popular approach, the facts about their nutritional profile is not well understood.… Read more »


When Does This Go Bad?

I must credit this article to my mother, who has always read expiry dates religiously. I’m not so strict. I’ll eat spinach that looks good even though the ‘best before’ date on the package says it’s past its prime. It’s not turned to green mush yet? Sweet… let’s eat! I’ve also heard that eggs actually last a couple weeks longer than the date stamped on their cartons because farmers want to give themselves
extra protection against repercussions of someone eating a bad egg, which can be pretty traumatic. Fair enough! I haven’t encountered any tummy upset… yet.… Read more »