The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Just Put an Egg On It

We know you’re into protein. We are too. Not that we’re being crazy about it, we’re just trying to make sure we get enough to satisfy our daily needs. It’s well known that protein helps repair muscles—it’s one of the main macronutrients our bodies need to function optimally, along with carbs and fats. So how do you make sure you’re getting enough? One easy, tasty and fun way is to take what you’re eating and put an egg on it.… Read more »


What the Heck is Akvavit?

Many countries and regions have a special spirit that comes to reflect their heritage, culture and tastes. Greece has ouzo, Central and Eastern Europe have slivovitz, Newfoundland has screech, France has cognac, Armagnac and calvados, and Scandinavia has akvavit.… Read more »


Luvo Hacks: Flatbreads

Now that we’ve plumped up your pilaf, packed more protein into your breakfast and spiced-up your favorite entrées, it’s time to add some flare to your flatbreads. Impress your friends and family with these tasty takes on your favorite Luvo FBs:… Read more »


Mug Snacks From The Microwave

Microwaves are super convenient for home cooking, especially when you’re in a hurry. We’ve already busted the myths around them and uncovered the science behind how they work… now it’s time to get into some of the neat things you can do with a microwave (aside from cooking your Luvo meals, of course). For this edition of Microwave Master Chef, all you need is a big mug, a few ingredients and your button-pushing finger to make yourself a quick and nutritious meal! Here … Read more »


Healthy Snack Roundup

Our favorite Super Bowl snack recipes

The only thing we loved more than watching the game this past Sunday was seeing all the healthier versions of traditional Super Bowl snacks popping up on Instagram. From perfectly plated veggies and dip to Buffalo-spiced popcorn, we’ve rounded up our favorites and added the play-by-play instructions so you can enjoy these anytime you like, not just during sporting events! … Read more »


The Freezer Gourmet

Create Meals From Your Favorite Leftovers

Ever cringe in horror when they reveal that the chefs competing on a reality show have to throw a gourmet meal together using the most bizarre combination of ingredients? Crushed granny mints, crumbled blue cheese, a Twinkie, a daikon radish, and…. Go! Looking into your fridge or freezer trying to come up with a gourmet meal for your family can feel like the same thing. Your challenge: make a delicious… Read more »


Know Your Food: Pomegranates 101

Many of the most wonderful foods in this world require the most work to enjoy their deliciousness. Take pomegranates for example. People are always excited to share the secrets of how they magically extract the seeds from inside this pithy fruit without making a huge mess or sacrificing any of them to the kitchen floor gods.

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