The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


7 DIY Veggie Chips (that aren’t Kale)

…and that you don’t need a dehydrator for

Summer is around the corner and I’m in full blown culotte-prep mode (bikini is a stretch). Which means upping my veggie intake while simultaneously addressing a little potato addiction I developed over the winter time. Here are a few of my favorite tasty and easy recipes to get you snacking smarter:… Read more »


Why All the Fuss for Leafy Greens?

We’ve all been there: It’s a weekday evening, the sky is dim, the wind is howling, and you don’t feel like pulling on your pants and hoofing it to the grocery store to supplement the meager meal options in your fridge. Hold on! Have you checked your lettuce crisper? There’s a good chance you’ve got a complete, wholesome and tasty meal of leafy greens waiting for you. There are a million good reasons—and easy ways—to get those greens out of the drawer and into your body.

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