The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


5 Unusually Delicious Thanksgiving Recipes

There’s something to be said for the nostalgia and comfort that comes along with classic Thanksgiving dishes. Roasted turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, sweet potatoes, and Brussels sprouts… the quintessential menu that wouldn’t be complete if it wasn’t swimming in gravy and a few dollops of cranberry sauce. Top it all off with a big slice of pumpkin pie and you’re ready for your food coma.… Read more »


Nutritious Food Swaps: Thanksgiving

I just love Thanksgiving! It’s a wonderful time to reconnect with friends and family who I don’t see often, and while I practice gratitude routinely, my practice really revs up on this day. And then there’s the food. The aromas, the visual feast, the indulgences—they’re all part of the tradition.… Read more »