The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


7 DIY Veggie Chips (that aren’t Kale)

…and that you don’t need a dehydrator for

Summer is around the corner and I’m in full blown culotte-prep mode (bikini is a stretch). Which means upping my veggie intake while simultaneously addressing a little potato addiction I developed over the winter time. Here are a few of my favorite tasty and easy recipes to get you snacking smarter:… Read more »


Weird Root Vegetables

(that are actually delicious)

They come out of the ground covered in dirt. Usually hard, lumpy knobs that appear misshapen and odd, or, more frequently, hideous and scary. Yes, of course we’re talking about root vegetables, the tasty trolls of the edible plant world. They may not look like much, but what they lack in aesthetics, they make up for in vitamins, minerals and flavor deliciousness.… Read more »